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Latifatou Savadogo BA '24
As a member of College Presidents for Civic Preparedness, President Robin Holmes-Sullivan will take campus-specific and collective action...
John Parry
A rainbow over Corbett House.

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LC Magazine Cover Spring 2024

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The intricacies of the tax code can overwhelm most people. But for immigrant families with dependents who reside elsewhere, changes to the tax code can be especially confusing.  Lewis & Clark Professor Sarah Lora explains what immigrants need to do to comply with US tax regulations.


Salem Reporter

Residential customers will be paying less for natural gas, thanks to a successful legal action brought by Lewis & Clark’s Green Energy Institute (GEI) on behalf of the Coalition of Communities of Color, the Oregon Environmental Council, Climate Solutions and other nonprofits.  In addition to curbing the proposed rate increases, GEI is challenging how the gas utility uses ratepayer money to fund lobbying efforts and to subsidize growth that does not align with state climate change legislation.


The Oregonian

This November, Portland residents will use a new ranked-choice system for electing city officials.  As Lewis & Clark Professor Ellen Seljan explains, voters will need to be especially well informed to make the most of the new system. 
