L&C in the News

The voices of Lewis & Clark community members regularly appear in the national, regional, and local news media. Check out these noteworthy stories.


In late June, the International Criminal Court convicted Al Hassan Ag Abdoul Aziz, a Malian jihadist, of war crimes. But Lewis & Clark Law Professor Kathleen Maloney, an internationally recognized expert in international law, human rights law, and gender-based crimes against humanity, argues that the court erred in not also finding Al Hassan guilty of the gender-based crimes for which evidence, including victims’ testimony, was presented.


Monetary Policy Institute Blog

Most people think of money as something governments issue. But Lewis & Clark Professor of Economics Eric Tymoigne explains that monetary instruments are also issued by a variety of other entities, creating a currency hierarchy in which networks of debtors determine how widely accepted, and thus how valuable, a particular currency may be.



Ladybugs, also called lady beetles, are known as beneficial insects because they eat more destructive garden pests. But any kind of invasive or non-native species might seem like a threat to an ecosystem. Lewis & Clark Biology Professor Heidi Liere explains how climate change is affecting the impact non-native and native species of lady beetles have on urban farms and gardens. 


The Oregonian
School psychologists provide significant mental, emotional, behavioral, and developmental supports for students. But there is a shortage of licensed school psychologists across Oregon, and especially in rural communities. L&C Professor Elena Diamond is leading a new hybrid degree program that allows folks already working in school districts in rural and coastal areas to become school psychologists without having to leave their communities.

Portland Business Journal

Sneakers – and sportswear in general – are big business in Portland and across the globe. So it’s no surprised Nic Mayne’s upcoming Lewis & Clark course on “Sneaker Law” is attracting attention.  The class will cover topics that include intellectual property, marketing deals, manufacturing, distribution and branding.


Jefferson Public Radio

The Supreme Court recently upheld restrictions placed by the city of Grants Pass on people without access to housing.  Lewis & Clark Professor Tung Yin explains what the ruling will mean to cities in Oregon and across the nation.


Harper’s Magazine

For more than a century, economic sanctions have been used as tools to advance international policy. But Lewis & Clark professor Pauls Toutonghi, recounting a recent visit to Aleppo (a city that generations of his family called home), reveals the devastating impact sanctions have on the people who are subject to dictators whose rule remains intact. 


Inside EPA

On June 28, 2024, the Supreme Court overturned a forty-year-old precedent known as the Chevron doctrine. For decades, the Environmental Protection Agency and other federal agencies relied on the doctrine to regulate pollution and other harms. Lewis & Clark Professor William Funk explains what the impact of the court’s recent decision will have on efforts to protect the environment.
