Lois Leveen 2024

main content Lois Leveen

Director of Public Relations

Keeping the world beyond campus informed and excited about all the great things happening at and because of Lewis & Clark

My job is to make sure people across our city, nation, and world are aware of the insights, creativity, and awesome contributions of Lewis & Clark’s faculty, students, alumni, and staff. I do this by engaging national, regional, and local media to cover a wide variety of L&C-related news stories. I also coach faculty on writing op-eds, giving interviews to journalists, and other strategies for sharing their expertise with the public.

If you know of something happening that you think would be of interest to folks beyond our campus, please let me know. I don’t believe we should be quiet about all the great things being done by the Lewis & Clark community!

I bring broad experience to this role at Lewis & Clark. As a former faculty member at UCLA and Reed College, I still pursue my own scholarly research, which I share in academic publications and conferences, and also through programs and publications for general audiences, such as The New York Times and The Atlantic. I have deep professional experience in strategic communications, including work in education philanthropy and with K-12 schools, districts, and educational service districts. I’m also a published novelist and poet, now working on a biography of a nineteenth-century African American activist.

My college-age self would be surprised to discover that I’m now a daily bicycle commuter who plays ukulele, sings in a harmony-by-ear choir, and loves to cook vegetables from locally grown, organic farm shares. But that same self would not at all be surprised by how many library books I have checked out, stacked all over the house waiting to be read.