When and how did you develop an interest in your field?
As a kid, I read a bunch of popular science books by Stephen Hawking and Brian Greene, and had a vague idea that physics was pretty cool. Once I took my first physics class in high school, I was thoroughly hooked. I spent the next couple of years trying to decide between majoring in physics or engineering, but after my first summer research project in a lab, I knew physics was it for me. I’ve been lurking in the lab ever since.
What excites you most about joining the L&C community?
To me, the most exciting thing about joining L&C are the students. I’m really looking forward to working with talented, curious young people, and training them to be great scientists or great scientific thinkers. I want everyone to know how interesting and useful physics can be, no matter their major.
What kind of hobbies or special activities do you enjoy outside of work?
I guess I’m a bit of a gamer—video games, board games, card games—I enjoy all of them! I also like to take photos, and recently got a drone (I’ve only crashed it once so far). My favorite sport to play is water polo, and I’m still looking for a team in Portland to play with. I also generally enjoy being outdoors: hiking, rafting, snowboarding, kayaking… maybe even surfing one day.