Kate Brown JD ’85 becomes governor of Oregon

Law school alumna Kate Brown was sworn in as governor of Oregon on Wednesday, February 18.
February 18, 2015
Kate Brown
Kate Brown

On Wednesday, February 18, law school alumna Kate Brown became governor of Oregon following the resignation of John Kitzhaber. She earned her JD from Lewis & Clark in 1985.

In 2010 the law school honored Brown as a Distinguished Environmental Graduate. In 2011 Brown delivered welcoming remarks at the inauguration of Barry Glassner as president of Lewis & Clark. She said, “I can certainly understand why you have chosen to make this place your new home. Nearly 30 years ago, I, too, chose to move from out of state to Lewis & Clark… . It was this education at Lewis & Clark Law School that opened many doors for me, and for that I will be forever grateful.”

In 2004 Brown became the first woman to serve as majority leader of the Oregon Senate. She was elected secretary of state in 2008 and reelected in 2012.

Associate Professor of Law Jim Oleske appeared on KGW to discuss incoming Governor Kate Brown’s past work as a legislative leader. “She has remarkably broad experience,” said Oleske. “If anyone could step in right away and hit the ground running, it’s Kate.”

Lewis & Clark now has two alumni serving as governors. Last November, Bill Walker BS ’73 was elected governor of Alaska.

Meet the Governor

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