L&C Magazine

Winter 2009

Featured Stories

President's Letter

President's Letter, Winter-2009

Defining Asset Value

Like most of you, I approached opening my third-quarter investment statements with some dread. And as you know, that was before we endured the financial markets’ wild ride in October, the worst month in the American stock market since 1987.

On Palatine Hill

Alumni News

  • alumni news, Winter-2009
    The new exterior signage for the Morgan S. Odell Alumni Gatehouse.

    Odell Alumni Gatehouse Welcomes Alumni

    After many years of discussion and planning, a committed group of undergraduate alumni has realized the dream of acquiring dedicated space for alumni social gatherings and events. Lewis & Clark’s gatehouse, a stone and brick building at the main entrance to campus, has been refurbished and renamed the Morgan S. Odell Alumni Gatehouse.
