main contentL&C Magazine
Cover Story
Investing in Change
Jeff Cruttenden BA ’12 is the cofounder of Acorns, a mobile app that has reinvented investing for a new generation.
Featured Stories
The Great War 100 Years Later
The King Stag
Eco Explorer, Eco Educator
Game Changer
A Decade of Serving Small Businesses
Message from the President
Meeting Challenges
On Palatine Hill
New Dean of Diversity and Inclusion
3+3 for BA/JD
Class of 2019 Snapshot
Lewis & Clark’s Holiday Reception
Teaching Tolerance in Haiti
ENVX: Environment Across Boundaries
Alumni News
Class Notes, Winter 2016
This edition of Class Notes includes undergraduate and graduate submissions through October 15, 2015, and law submissions through September 30, 2015.
Lewis & Clark to Host Alumni Awards
A Mathematical Space odyssey: Solid Geometry in the 21st Century
Roger Nelsen, professor emeritus of mathematics, coauthors a text that presents techniques for proving a variety of geometric results in three dimensions.
Mathematical Association of America, 2015. 288 pages.
Calm Technology: Principles and Patterns for Non-Intrusive Design
Amber Case BA ’08 explores the concept of calm technology, a method for smoothly capturing a user’s attentions only when necessary, while calmly remaining in the background most of the time.
O’Reilly Media, 2015. 152 pages.
Challenging Science Standards: A Skeptical View of the Quest for Unity
Kip Ault, professor emeritus of teacher education, voices skepticism toward the quest for unity across sciences. Through analyses of disciplinary knowledge, school curricula, and classroom learning, his book uncovers flaws in the unifying dimensions of the science standards. It proposes respect for disciplinary diversity and attention to questions of value in choosing what science to teach.
Rowman & Littlefeild Publishers, 2015. 218 pages.
Empire Maker: Aleksandr Baranov and Russian Colonial Expansion Into Alaska and Northern California
Kenneth Owens BA ’55 describes the journey of Aleksandr Baranov from his native Russia to North America, where he took command of the highly profitable sea otter business. his life was fraught with drama, and it’s all included in this scholarly biography about an as-yet little-known historical figure.
University of Washington Press, 2015. 360 pages.
Cameos for Calculus: Visualization in the First-Year Course
Roger Nelson, professor emeritus of mathematics, presents 50 short enhancements or supplements (the cameos) for the first-year calculus course in which a geometric figure briefly appears.
Mathematical Association of America, 2015. 186 pages.
A New Oracle of Kabbalah: Mystical Teachings of the Hebrew Letters
Richard Seidman MEd ’80 makes ancient teachings about the Hebrew alphabet, the Aleph Beit, accessible and practical for contemporary readers and spiritual seekers. Grounded in traditional and mystical Judaism, the book incorporates teachings from a variety of religious and cultural paths.
White Cloud Press, 2015. 208 pages.
Wagons to the Willamette: capitan Levi Scott ad the Southern Route to Oregon, 1844-1847
Stafford Hazelett JD ’83 edits this chronicle about Cpitan Levi Scott, who traveled west by the Oregon Trail in 1844, explored the Oregon Country, and guided wagon companies by the Southern Route to Oregon in 1846 and 1847. Scott’s reminiscence of the emigration years reveals a man of firm and friendly character and a careful observer of society.
Washington State University Press, 2015. 320 pages.
Let’s Share Our Ideas About Educational Leadership
Louis Wildman BA ’63 shares his approach to education leadership with the intent to support the ideals of public education.
NCPEA Publications, 2015. 156 pages.
In Memoriam
Libraries—They’re Not Just for Kids
Eco Explorer
The King Stag
Audiences entered a fairy-tale world of kings, court ministers, and magicians during the fall production of The King Stag, by 18th-century playwright Carlo Gozzi. Elaborate costumes, including detailed masks by guest artist Tony Fuemmeler, helped the performance come to life. Stephen Weeks, associate professor of theatre, directed the 13-member cast. More than 25 students provided behind-the-scenes artistic and production support.
The Great War 100 Years Later
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L&C Magazine
Lewis & Clark
615 S. Palatine Hill Road
Portland OR 97219