main contentL&C Magazine
Cover Story
Lewis & Clark: No. 1 in Sustainability
Featured Stories
A Visible Man
50th Annual International Fair
A Prescription for Compassion
Preparing Future Leaders in Science Education
A Foray Into Food Law
Message from the President
A Season of Accomplishments
The successes we earn are the products of thinkers and doers who flourish in an environment of collaborative inquiry and learning.
On Palatine Hill
Q&A With Rev. Duntley Religious and Spiritual Renewal
Among Nation’s Top 12 for Fulbrights
A Leader in Higher Ed
Havel’s Place
New Dean: Catherine Gunther Kodat
An Evening With Sister Helen Prejean
Festival of Scholars
Alumni News
Class Notes, Spring 2015
This edition of Class Notes includes undergraduate and graduate submissions received through February 6, 2015, and law submissions through February 15, 2015.
Kate Brown JD ’85 Named Governor of Oregon
In Memoriam
Friends of Lewis & Clark Remembered
Conservatives on Campus
Despite popular belief, conservatives exist at Lewis & Clark, and the current student body president happens to be one.
50th Annual International Fair
L&C Magazine is located in McAfee on the Undergraduate Campus.
MSC: 19
voice 503-768-7970
fax 503-768-7969
The L&C Magazine staff welcomes letters and emails from readers about topics covered in the magazine. Correspondence must include your name and location and may be edited.
L&C Magazine
Lewis & Clark
615 S. Palatine Hill Road
Portland OR 97219