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Shared Traits of L&C Grads
I just finished the great article on the Lewis & Clark alumni in Portland’s City Hall (winter 2015). A sense of humor, a talent for collaboration, and a dedication to “working toward the common good.” Those traits were highly regarded in Lewis & Clark’s education program as well.
Anne McEnerny-Ogle, MAT ’76
Councilmember, City of Vancouver, Washington
Vexed by Glarum Description
I was disturbed to find Stanley Glarum described as a “funny little round fat man” (“Excerpts From the Oral History Project,” winter 2015).
I was in his choir in 1952. I remember the joy of being immersed in music under his intense gaze, caught up in his insistence on perfection.
For me, calling him a “funny little round fat man” is like describing Beethoven as a short ugly man with bad personal hygiene who, incidentally, wrote music.
Bonnie Brengelmann BA ’54
About That Car…
Larry Campbell BS ’53
Eugene, Oregon
Member of Delta Tau Rho
I believe that car in the pool on page 25 of the winter Chronicle belonged to Delta Tau Rho fraternity, a precursor to Sigma Phi Epsilon. Another fraternity placed the car in the pool. This issue was excellent and a great read.
John Toevs BS ’67
Member of Sigma Phi Epsilon
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L&C Magazine
Lewis & Clark
615 S. Palatine Hill Road
Portland OR 97219