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Spring 2012
Message from the President
President's Letter, Spring-2012
Active Learning
Lewis & Clark students excel at what they know and what they do. But sometimes, like any of us, they need a nudge to explore things outside their comfort zones, outside their usual areas of achievement. That push is a vital part of the educational experience we provide, and it’s something we should talk about more often.
On Palatine Hill
on palatine hill, Spring-2012
Lewis & Clark Hosts Mayoral Debate
On February 13, Portland’s three mayoral candidates—Jefferson Smith, Charlie Hales, and Eileen Brady— shared their views on education, the environment, and sustainability in Agnes Flanagan Chapel.
on palatine hill, Spring-2012
Meeting Portland’s Counseling Needs
Underserved Oregonians dealing with mental health, addiction, and relationship issues have a new place to turn for help: the Lewis & Clark Community Counseling Center, which recently opened near downtown Portland.
on palatine hill, Spring-2012
Gender Studies Symposium
The 31st annual Gender Studies Symposium, held in mid-March, explored topics related to gender, sex, law, and social change.
on palatine hill, Spring-2012
Technologies of the Future
Do you understand the mechanics behind a selfclamping ski boot? Or why hydrophobic kale wax might make a good hair spray? You would if you’re enrolled in Technologies of the Future, a new joint offering of the biology and chemistry departments.
on palatine hill, Spring-2012
Law School Leaps Ahead in Rankings
Lewis & Clark Law School jumped nine places to 58th in the U.S. News & World Report 2013 edition of America’s Best Graduate Schools. Lewis & Clark is also ranked one of the top 15 law schools in the western United States.
on palatine hill, Spring-2012
English Prof Wins Teaching Award
Rachel Cole, associate professor of English, has won the Arnold L. and Lois S. Graves Award in recognition of outstanding teaching. The award, which is administered by Pomona College and the American Council of Learned Societies, is given biennially to young professors teaching at western liberal arts colleges.
on palatine hill, Spring-2012
International Affairs Symposium
In April, Lewis & Clark hosted its 50th International Affairs Symposium, titled Global Rifts: Dynamic Relationships Among States, Societies, and the World System.
on palatine hill, Spring-2012
Fred Fields’ Generous Bequest
In February, President Barry Glassner announced a $10 million bequest to Lewis & Clark from the late Fred Fields. The gift is the second largest in the college’s history.
Alumni News
alumni news, alumni, Spring-2012
Save the Date
September 25 - Worldwide Black and Orange Parties
alumni news, Births and Adoptions, Spring-2012
Births and Adoptions, Spring 2012
Births and Adoptions
In Memoriam, Profile, Spring-2012
Friends of Lewis & Clark Remembered
John “Jack” Kemp BS ’63, a life trustee of Lewis & Clark College, Warren Smith, a former faculty member of Lewis & Clark College
1990s, Class Notes, class-notes, Profile, Spring-2012
To Catch a Technology Thief
Ken Westin BA ’99 developed technology that allows laptop and smartphone users to track their devices and capture photos of thieves.
1980s, Class Notes, class-notes, Profile, Spring-2012
Heeding the Call of Wilderness Protection
To our north is one of the Earth’s last wild places: the Canadian boreal forest. At 2.2 million square miles—nearly 60 percent the size of the United States—it’s one of the planet’s richest habitats.
1990s, Class Notes, class-notes, outcomes, Profile, send-to-college, Spring-2012
Serving Up Fusion-Style Ramen—and More
Patrick Fleming BS ’92, Brannon Riceci BS ’92, and Tim Parsons BA ’91 create interesting one-bowl meals with exotic flavors at Boke Bowl.
Class Notes, class-notes, outcomes, Profile, send-to-college, Spring-2012
Illustrating With Feminine Flair
Strolling through the streets and gardens of Tokyo, Chico Hayasaki stops to notice the silhouettes of flowering trees and a pink-orange cloud floating above the setting sun.
In Memoriam
In Memoriam, Profile, Spring-2012
Friends of Lewis & Clark Remembered
John “Jack” Kemp BS ’63, a life trustee of Lewis & Clark College, Warren Smith, a former faculty member of Lewis & Clark College
In Memoriam, Spring-2012
In Memoriam, Spring 2012
Honoring alumni, faculty, staff, and friends who have recently passed.
L&C Magazine is located in McAfee on the Undergraduate Campus.
MSC: 19
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L&C Magazine
Lewis & Clark
615 S. Palatine Hill Road
Portland OR 97219