Smartphone users now have access to real-time GPS tracking data about the whereabouts of the Pio Express. To those of us who have experienced the bitter disappointment of arriving at our stop late only to watch the shuttle shrink into the distance, this is excellent news. To the psychic community at L&C, it means very little.
Oh, for Peace sake …
Lewis & Clark ranked fifth in the small school category of the Peace Corps Top Colleges list for 2012, the second consecutive year the college has been in the top five and the eighth consecutive year we’ve made the list. This is either a testament to L&C’s commitment to service locally and globally or to the effectiveness of the subliminal messaging in The Bon’s international cuisine.
Gained in translation
Stepan Simek, associate professor of theatre and official translator of the plays of late Czech president Vaclav Havel, was the subject of an Oregonian article after the politicianplaywright’s death. In the article, Simek shared his perspective on Havel’s contributions to the world of theatre and also managed to plug Lewis & Clark’s mainstage production of The Increased Difficulty of Concentration, one of Havel’s most popular plays. Simek suggested that his affinity for the Czech president might have something to do with having been cradled in Havel’s own crib as an infant. Hmm…
Raising the roof
After deflating last fall, the tennis dome on the north side of campus has been resurrected and the courts revamped with new exterior lighting, sidewalks, and bollards (you know, those posts that hold up the net). The inflation of the dome took place on a chilly December morning to a mixed audience of onlookers; the less imaginative among them were underwhelmed by the sight, while others watched in childlike awe.
A Dickens of a time
It was the best of times— there was a library exhibit, period musicians, faculty readings, and lots of cake. It was the worst of times— Charles Dickens was still quite dead. We are, of course, referring to the recent celebration of Dickens’ 200th birthday. In honor of old Chuckie D, faculty and students read aloud the openings of every Dickens novel.
March madness
Throughout March, the Lewis & Clark campus experienced several uncharacteristic dustings of snow. Though the winter weather was short-lived and resulted in no snow days, faculty and students alike engaged in the time-honored tradition of regional judgment: those from the Midwest and Northeast scoffed at the measly flurries while West Coasters frolicked in the veritable wonderland.
Pio peacock
Most of the double takes on campus this spring were directed not to rare glimpses of Mount Hood but instead to a fully grown male peacock who has been inexplicably wandering the grounds. Many students at first considered the sightings a symptom of too many all-nighters, but they were reassured when faculty and staff began reporting their own encounters. The peacock, rumored to be covetous of the L&C mascot position, is apparently prowling campus in search of a Newfoundland, with which he plans to battle to the death. When asked to comment, Pio, our current mascot, said: “Bring it on,bird.”
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L&C Magazine Lewis & Clark 615 S. Palatine Hill Road PortlandOR97219