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Spring 2010

Featured Stories

Feature, send-to-homepage, Spring-2010
Iman Sebunya (CAS '12--Kampala, Uganda) and Megan Percell (CAS '12--Los Angeles)

Partners in Global Understanding and Peace

International and American students create ties that transcend national identity
through the Davis United World College Scholars Program.
Feature, Spring-2010

Seeking Justice for Animals

With new funding, experienced staff, expanded programs, and a worldwide presence, Lewis & Clark’s Center for Animal Law Studies is a leader in its field.
Feature, send-to-homepage, Spring-2010

Committed to Coffee

From farm to cup, Bruce Mullins BS ’77 has devoted himself to America’s favorite beverage, improving coffee-growing communities, and the environment, along the way.

Message from the President

President's Letter, Spring-2010

From Students to Alumni: Celebrating The Journey

Interim President Jane Monnig Atkinson shares her thoughts this spring.

On Palatine Hill

on palatine hill, Spring-2010

A ‘Thriller’ for Beck

Aaron Beck was named as the James W. Rogers Professor of Music.  Beck is currently working on an article about classical music’s influence on Michael Jackson, which was the subject of his February 9 inauguration lecture.

award, on palatine hill, philosophy, Spring-2010

Philosophy Prof Wins Teaching Award

Joel Martinez, assistant professor of philosophy, recently received the Arnold L. Graves and Lois S. Graves Award in recognition of his outstanding teaching in the humanities.
on palatine hill, Spring-2010
Jean Julier BS '65 (center) and Sue Rimkeit '65 (right)

Scholarship Recognition Luncheon

On March 16, more than 140 donors, students, faculty, and staff gatheredfor the annual Scholarship Recognition Luncheon. Funds for endowedscholarships and annual operating gifts for student financial aid make thecritical difference for more than 70 percent of Lewis & Clark students.
on palatine hill, Spring-2010

10th Anniversary of Taxpayer Clinic

For a decade, the Lewis & Clark Low-Income Taxpayer Clinic has been helping those most in need of assistance, mitigating conflicts with the IRS and seeking positive resolution for all parties.
on palatine hill, Spring-2010

Student on Jeopardy!

Romick, an international affairs major from Grants Pass, traveled to California in December to compete in the game show’s college tournament. The episode aired February 1.
Letters, on palatine hill, Spring-2010

Letters From Readers

Letters from readers of the Chronicle.
on palatine hill, Spring-2010

Gifts of Green: Trustee Fred Fields and W.M. Keck Foundation

The College of Arts and Sciences recently received a $500,000 gift from life trustee Fred Fields and a $250,000 grant from the W.M. Keck Foundation.
on palatine hill, Spring-2010

In Tune With A Cappella

Four years ago, when students formed Momo and the Coop, it was the only a cappella group at Lewis & Clark. Today, five diverse groups are active on campus.
athletics, on palatine hill, sports, Spring-2010
Kristina Williams CAS '13

Pio Sports

The Pioneers enjoyed their most successful winter season ever, with both basketball teams advancing to Northwest Conference postseason play. In addition, the women’s swim team continued to prove itself as a swimming power within the conference, while the men’s swim team put in a solid effort, earning its best conference finish in 18 years.
on palatine hill, Spring-2010

Origins of Life

Starry Night allows Stephen Tufte, associate professor of physics, to help illuminate why people once viewed the world as either earth-centered (geocentric) or sun-centered (heliocentric). It’s just one of the topics covered in the new interdisciplinary course Origins of Life in the Universe.
on palatine hill, Spring-2010

Mental Health and Nature

Ecopsychology is a contemporary movement toward recognizing a connection between mental health and the natural environment. Ecopsychologists are discovering the benefits of connecting people to nature to treat depression, stress, and addictions.

Alumni News

alumni news, Spring-2010

Connecting Students and Alumni

In an effort to build stronger ties between undergraduate students and alumni, Lewis & Clark has jump-started a new iteration of the Student Alumni Association (SAA). The group, which is led by Simone Wren CAS ’10, is composed of 12 SAA Ambassadors. As recipients of the annual Alumni Leadership Scholarship, these students ha ve demonstrated leadership, participated actively in the Lewis & Clark community, and shown an interest in fostering student-alumni relationships.


Class Notes, class-notes, Profile, Spring-2010
Judy Cockerton with daughter Brianna.

Reenvisioning Foster Care

“Mom, I don’t want any toys for Christmas. I just want to be with my sisters and brother that day.” That seemingly simple request from her youngest daughter, adopted from foster care, highlights one of the core values Judy Cockerton BA ‘73 champions in her quest to help inspire a reenvisioning of foster care in America: keeping siblings connected.
Class Notes, class-notes, Profile, Spring-2010

The Sweet Scent of Success

In 1998, Kayla Fioravanti went on a mission to rid her 4-year-old son Keegan of a persistent case of ringworm near his eye. She rubbed on over-the-counter ointments and tried prescription treatments, but nothing cured the fungal infection.
Class Notes, class-notes, grad school, Profile, Spring-2010

Covering All the Bases as Middle School Principal of the Year

In 1970, when Chris Mills MAT ‘84 was 15, he took a summer job as coach of a junior baseball team. Rain or shine, he taught elementary-age boys the basics of fielding, switching up pitches, and smacking one out of the park—or at least past the infield. A constant focus was teamwork.
Class Notes, class-notes, Profile, Spring-2010

Sculptor of Sound

In a stark white room, the exposed mechanisms of more than 100 music boxes grace the walls and seem to sparkle with sound. Visitors move slowly along the room’s perimeter, mesmerized by the unique sounds of miniature tines on metal.
Class Notes, class-notes, Profile, Spring-2010

From Farmworker to Attorney: Growing a Legal Career

Two weeks before he headed off to college, Román D. Hernández was harvesting onions for 16 cents a bushel in rural eastern Oregon.“Now the process is automated,” he says. “Back then, people worked bent over close to the ground or on their knees.”
Profile, Spring-2010
Judy Cockerton with daughter Brianna.

Reenvisioning Foster Care

By Pattie Pace
The story of Judy Cockerton BA ’73
Profile, Spring-2010

The Sweet Scent of Success

By Pattie Pace
The story of Kayla Fioravanti BA ’90
Profile, Spring-2010

From Farmworker to Attorney: Growing a Legal Career

By Pattie Pace
The story of Román D. Hernández JD ’00
Profile, Spring-2010

Sculptor of Sound

By Pattie Pace
The story of Ethan Rose BA ’00