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Fall 2019

Featured Stories

Fall-2019, Feature

Family Politics

Amy Beacom BA ’94 fights to make supported parental leave a reality for working parents everywhere.
Fall-2019, Feature

Blending Art and Science

Lewis & Clark researchers bring ancient artisans to life through archaeology and chemistry.
Fall-2019, Feature


What happens when a correctional facility functions as a classroom? Lewis & Clark history students find out firsthand.

Fall-2019, Feature
Iris Riedel BA '19, Tammy Jo Wilson, visual arts and technology program manager, and Matt Johnston, associate professor of art history, c...

Roll On, Columbia, Roll On

L&C artists, in collaboration with community partners, create a giant print that tells the stories of the Columbia River and its people.

Message from the President

Fall-2019, President's Letter

More Than the Place We Call Home

For much of my career, I have focused on the relationships between institutions of higher education and the cities in which they’re located. This has been true for my academic work as a sociologist and in my administrative work as a leader of urban public institutions. It is no less true today at Lewis & Clark.

Alumni News

alumni news, Fall-2019

Class Notes, Fall 2019

This fall 2019 edition of Class Notes includes submissions through July 15, 2019.


Blending Art and Science

Blending Art and Science

Lewis & Clark researchers bring ancient artisans to life through archaeology and chemistry. Photos by Sarah de Paula.
Roll On, Columbia, Roll On

Roll On, Columbia, Roll On

L&C artists, in collaboration with community partners, create a giant print that tells the stories of the Columbia River and its people. Photos by Robert Reynolds


What happens when a correctional facility functions as a classroom? Lewis & Clark history students find out firsthand. Photos by Nina Johnson
Students mingle outside J.R. Howard Hall, where Robert Indiana's iconic LOVE sculpture is on display through the fall.
Students mingle outside J.R. Howard Hall, where Robert Indiana’s iconic LOVE sculpture is on display through the fall. Sculpture courtesy of The Zarnegin Family Collection. Photo by Robert Reynolds.