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Eric Staab and Mark Figueroa

Eric Staab Eric StaabEric Staab

New Vice President for Admissions and Financial Aid

Before joining L&C as vice president for admissions and financial aid in October, Eric Staab most recently served as dean of admission and financial aid at Kalamazoo College in Michigan. He has also worked in admissions at Grinnell College, St. Olaf College, and the University of Chicago.

During his 13 years of leadership at Kalamazoo, total enrollment increased by 16 percent, and the composition of the student body became significantly more racially and socioeconomically diverse. In addition to an emphasis on providing access to students from first-generation and low-income backgrounds, Staab’s career has included a focus on international admissions. He has traveled to more than 60 countries, mostly to recruit prospective students.

“I’ve had a keen eye on Lewis & Clark since I began recruiting in the Pacific Northwest eight years ago,” said Staab. “I’m excited to join an institution with a strong strategic plan and sense of who it wants to be in the world.”

Mark Figueroa Mark FigueroaMark Figueroa

New Dean of Equity and Inclusion

In June, Mark Figueroa, associate vice president for institutional research and planning, became the college’s new dean of equity and inclusion.

At Lewis & Clark, in addition to his research and planning role, Figueroa has served as a member of Executive Council, as accreditation liaison officer to the Northwest Commission on College and Universities, as Title IX coordinator, as a member of the Strategic Enrollment Management leadership team, as program director and assistant professor of the Student Affairs Administration graduate degree program, and as assistant football coach. He will step back from some of these roles to focus on his work as dean.