main content Inside-Out
What happens when a correctional facility functions as a classroom? Lewis & Clark history students find out firsthand. Photos by Nina Johnson
- Reiko Hillyer, associate professor of history, teaches her popular Crime and Punishment course at the Columbia River Correctional Institution in Northeast Portland.Nina Johnson
- Rebecca Lingafelter (center), associate professor of theatre, helps students prepare a theatre performance for the course.Nina Johnson
- The class enrolls 30 students, with an equal representation of “outside” Lewis & Clark students and “inside” prisoners.Nina Johnson
- As "inside" and "outside" students work together, they embody the course's core themes: redemption, healing, and humanity.Nina Johnson
- On the last day of class, students perform an original play and offer stirring renditions of original poetry and prose.Nina Johnson
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L&C Magazine
Lewis & Clark
615 S. Palatine Hill Road
Portland OR 97219