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Fall 2014

Featured Stories

Fall-2014, Feature
Graduate School of Education and Psychology

Turning 30

The graduate school celebrates 30 years of preparing teachers and counselors for lives of service.

Fall-2014, Feature

Decades of Distinction

Michael Ford and Vern Jones, two pillars of the Lewis & Clark community, retire.

Fall-2014, Feature

Hunted to Extinction

Lewis & Clark law students experience firsthand the implications of wildlife and cruelty laws in Kenya.
Fall-2014, Feature

A Villa Unveiled

Lewis & Clark students apply their classics training to an archaeological dig in central Italy.

Message from the President

Fall-2014, President's Letter

The Lewis & Clark I Know

I am delighted to welcome my wife, Betsy Amster, as a guest columnist for this issue. Betsy spoke to the class of 1964 during Alumni Weekend, and I thought a selection of her observations from that day would be a fitting way to mark the new academic year. — Barry Glassner

On Palatine Hill

Fall-2014, on palatine hill, sports
Shana Levine

Meet Lewis & Clark’s New Athletics Director

Shana Levine was named Lewis & Clark’s new director of physical education and athletics.
Fall-2014, on palatine hill

Ratte Award Winner Plays Many Roles

Erica Terpening-Romeo ’14, a recent graduate of the class of 2014, is the recipient of two of Lewis & Clark’s highest annual honors.
Fall-2014, on palatine hill
Dana Lynn Louis: Clearing

Fall Events

Happenings around campus
buzz, Fall-2014, on palatine hill


A miscellany of the new, the intriguing, and the obscure.

Fall-2014, on palatine hill

Rankings Roundup

Lewis & Clark continues to receive high marks in a variety of national rankings.

award, Fall-2014, on palatine hill
Keira Roberts CAS '15 (left) and Sarah Lowenstein CAS '15

Students and Grads Win National Awards

Last spring, Lewis & Clark students and alumni claimed a bounty of national awards and honors in recognition of their academic excellence and commitment to global service.

Fall-2014, on palatine hill


Remembering Vern Rutsala
Fall-2014, on palatine hill, sports
Emily Thompson

PioSports Recap

In the spring, multiple Lewis & Clark athletic teams made impressive strides forward with several athletes earning Northwest Conference All-Conference honors.
Fall-2014, on palatine hill

A Summer With Socrates

Over the summer, 16 college and university teachers converged on Lewis & Clark for a seminar on Socrates.
Fall-2014, on palatine hill

Mathematician, Law Professor Named Top Teachers

Students reflect on the extraordinary teaching of their respective professors and select one for top teaching honors.
Fall-2014, on palatine hill

Faculty Leader Named Interim Dean

Jerusha Detweiler-Bedell has been appointed by President Barry Glassner to serve as interim dean of the College of Arts and Sciences.
Fall-2014, on palatine hill

New to the Board

Lewis & Clark’s Board of Trustees welcomed Anthony “Tony” Abena BS ’86 and Heidi Hu BS ’85.

Leadership and Support

Fall-2014, leadership

Philanthropy Leadership Dinner

The sixth annual Philanthropy Leadership Dinner was held on May 8 in the Fred and Suzanne Fields Ballroom at the Portland Art Museum. President Barry Glassner and the Board of Trustees hosted more than 220 guests to celebrate members of the Leadership Society, Heritage Society, and Elliott Circle.

Fall-2014, leadership
Dr. Robert B. Pamplin Jr.

Strength, Pride, Endurance

Dr. Robert B. Pamplin Jr. ’64, ’65, ’66, life trustee and former board chair, embodies and promotes the benefits of endurance in all facets of living.


alumni spotlight, Fall-2014, Profile
Hunter Franks

Building Community Through Creativity

Hunter Franks BA ’08 founded the League of Creative Interventionists, a global network that uses creativity to build community.
2000s, alumni spotlight, Fall-2014, Profile
Mollie Dickson MAT '09

Getting to the Heart of Nutrition

Mollie Dickson MAT ’09 remembers relaxing at the kitchen table in her childhood home, talking with her father as he cooked tasty and nutritious meals for their family.
alumni spotlight, Fall-2014, Profile
Ron Towner

Seeing History Through the Trees

Ronald Towner BA ʼ79 has used tree-ring analysis to help date sites all over the American West.


Torment Saint: The Life of Elliott Smith

William Todd Schultz BS ’85 writes a biography of the enigmatic Elliott Smith, one of the most gifted songwriters of the 1990s, who died violently in 2003 under what some believe to be questionable circumstances.

Bloomsbury U.S.A., 2013. 368 pages.


Corey Van Landingham BA ’08, a Wallace Stegner Poetry Fellow at Stanford, offers a collection of poetry in which “the uncanny coexists with the personal, so that each poem undergoes making and unmaking, is birthed and bound in an acute strangeness.” The book won the Ohio State University Press/The Journal Award in Poetry.

Ohio State University Press, 2013. 63 pages.

Fireproofing the Woods

Kathryn McKinney BA ’75, a former Outdoor School and 5th/6th–grade teacher, pens a collection of poems that “chronicle a lifetime spent in the company of and in communion with nature.”

Dancing Moon Press, 2013. 74 pages.

San Juan Island Stories

Wendy Lynn Clark BA ’01 offers an anthology of five previously published stories, including bonus introductions, that focus on five women who “rediscover their breath-taking first loves” in the lush San Juan Islands.

Self-published, 2014. 194 pages.

The Facades

Eric Lundgren BA ’00 pens an existential mystery about a disconsolate legal clerk’s search for his missing opera star wife. The book was named a finalist for the 2014 William Saroyan International Prize for Writing, and it was selected as a Publishers Weekly Best Fiction Book of 2013.

Overlook, 2013. 224 pages.


Rachel Webster BA ’97 assembles a debut collection of pastoral poems that address personal physical change in the seasons of life, including childhood, love, motherhood, and death.

Triquarterly, 2013. 104 pages.

Running Medicine Wheel

Kelly Running BS ’79 writes a mystery in the Lizzy O’Malley series. In this volume, a murder interrupts Lizzy’s work as a stage manager for her brother’s Shakespeare company. Her efforts to clear his name lead to an odyssey of Navajo visions, sweat lodges, medicine wheels, and mysticism.

Publish Your Words, 2013. 200 pages.

The Confident Retirement Journey: Your Personal & Financial Road Map

Ron Kelemen BS ’73, who has more than 30 years’ experience as a financial advisor, offers “a financial road map of practical action steps you can take to become confident about a secure and fulfilling second half of your life.”

Confident Vision Press, 2013. 144 pages.

Mending the Net: A Guide to Healing Self and Family

Katherine Boyer MA ’90 offers a guide for healing old wounds and transmuting the negative into the positive. “Even if you grew up in a dysfunctional family, you can create a healthy family.”

Blue Jay Press, 2014. 162 pages.

Assignment Vietnam: Coming Full Circle As a Soldier, Diplomat, and Businessman

Chris Runckel JD ’74, who experienced the Vietnam War and its aftermath, describes how he built bridges and worked with U.S. and Vietnamese diplomats, businessmen, and others to build a new path for both countries.

Self-published, 2013. 189 pages.

Self-Defense for Seniors

Ken Boire M.P.A. ’79 presents a self-defense strategy developed specifically for seniors. Even though physical abilities tend to decay with age, Boire says any senior can make up for these deficits with his techniques.

Outskirts Press, 2014. 236 pages.

Heed Your Call: Integrating Myth, Science, Spirituality, and Business

David Howitt JD ’94 shares his own story, along with those of other modern-day entrepreneurs, to illuminate simple principles that will help us “weave business into our spiritual narratives and pour our souls into our professions.”

Atria Books/Beyond Words, 2014. 224 pages.

In Memoriam

Fall-2014, In Memoriam
Ken Shores

Art Professor Mourned

Ken Shores was an influential member of the Pacific Northwest art scene.

Fall-2014, In Memoriam

In Memoriam, Fall 2014

Honoring alumni, faculty, staff, and friends who have recently passed.


Philanthropy Leadership Dinner

Philanthropy Leadership Dinner

The sixth annual Philanthropy Leadership Dinner was held on May 8 in the Fred and Suzanne Fields Ballroom at the Portland Art Museum. President Barry Glassner and the Board of Trustees hosted more than 220 guests to celebrate members of the Leadership Society, Heritage Society, and Elliott Circle. – Photos by Cameron Browne