main content Philanthropy Leadership Dinner
The sixth annual Philanthropy Leadership Dinner was held on May 8 in the Fred and Suzanne Fields Ballroom at the Portland Art Museum. President Barry Glassner and the Board of Trustees hosted more than 220 guests to celebrate members of the Leadership Society, Heritage Society, and Elliott Circle. – Photos by Cameron Browne
- Life Trustee John Bates; Trustee Marilyn Loy with her guest, Michael Henningsen; and Steve Beckham, Pamplin Professor Emeritus of History.
- President Barry Glassner with Trustee Ron Timpe and Ivy Timpe.
- Julieann Park and Trustee Jin Park.
- Associate Dean Gary Reiness with Donna Dermond and her husband, Kurt Wehbring.
- Trustee Ruth Sigal with Michelle Dorman and Board Chair Mark Dorman.
- The Portland Art Museum venue.
- John and Anita Drew with Laurie Copley.
- Trustee Ron Timpe and Ivy Timpe with Life Trustee John Bates.
- Peter Stott with Trustee Fred Jubitz.
- Trustee Kent Swanson and event speaker Trish Swanson.
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