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Lewis & Clark’s Board of Trustees welcomed Anthony “Tony” Abena BS ’86 and Heidi Hu BS ’85.

Lewis & Clark’s Board of Trustees recently welcomed two new members:

 Abena AbenaAnthony “Tony” Abena BS ’86 is the chief operating officer of Deloitte Investments, an internal start-up division within Deloitte LLP. Previously, he served as senior vice president of law firms at Thomson West, a provider of information solutions to the U.S. legal market. Prior to joining Thomson West, Abena held a variety of executive roles at Gartner, a leading IT analytics firm, and cofounded two technology startup companies. Tony is married to Stacy Manning Abena BA ’88. They live in Edina, Minnesota, with their four children.

Hu HuHeidi Hu BS ’85 is a community volunteer and a private investor. She retired from Transamerica Investment Management, where she was principal, managing director, and portfolio manager. Prior to her work with Transamerica, she was portfolio manager for Arco Investment Management Company. Hu lives in Los Angeles with her husband, Daniel “Dan” Hsieh.