Canva Pro for Students

As reminder, we are thrilled to announce that all CAS, Grad, and Law Lewis & Clark students now have free access to Canva Pro.

October 07, 2024


We are thrilled to announce that all CAS, Grad, and Law Lewis & Clark students now have free access to Canva Pro. This is part of a 2 year pilot to bring students access to this powerful design and AI tool. Canva can help you create stunning visuals for your coursework, clubs, organizations, or personal use. With Canva Pro, you can also collaborate with other students by creating groups to work on shared designs together.

Accounts will be automatically provisioned via Single Sign On (SSO). Visit our Canva Page to learn more and view a step by step guide on how to get started.

If you are interested in learning how to use Canva Pro and AI tools, register for the 1 credit ELI 211 Skills Lab: AI for Creatives. This course is an 8 week course that will be taught in the Spring of 2025.

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