September 03, 2024

Stay Safe This Semester: Emergency Notifications and Tips

We’re excited to kick off the fall semester with all of you! As you settle in, we want to ensure you’re aware of some important safety information regarding emergency notifications and potential hazards here at Lewis & Clark.


In the event of an emergency—such as wildfires, earthquakes, ice storms, building fires, or an active threat—Lewis & Clark will keep you informed through SMS text messages and emails. These notifications will be sent to your email address and also appear at the top of the homepage at

To make sure you receive these alerts, please check that your contact information is up-to-date. You can update your cell phone number and find more information on emergency notifications at this link.


Starting college can feel overwhelming, especially when emergencies happen and you’re far from home. But don’t worry—being prepared is easier than you think. Start by getting familiar with some of the common hazards in the Pacific Northwest and taking a few steps to stay safe.

  • Earthquakes: We’re located along the Cascadia Subduction Zone, which means we’re at risk for powerful earthquakes. These can cause significant damage, so it’s crucial to know what to do if one occurs.

  • Wildfires: Our beautiful forests can sometimes be prone to wildfires, especially during hot, dry weather. Being aware of the risk and knowing how to react is key.

  • Active Threats: In the unlikely event of an active threat, it’s important to know how to protect yourself. Learn more about what you can do in these situations here.

We know thinking about emergencies can be a bit scary, but taking a few minutes to learn about these hazards and simple steps to stay safe can make a big difference. If you have any questions or need more information, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at

Associate Vice President of Student Life Operations and Strategic Initiatives Bill Curtis Associate Vice President of Student Life Operations and Strategic Initiatives Bill Curtis Stay safe and have a fantastic start to the semester!

Bill Curtis

Associate Vice President of Student Life Operations and Strategic Initiatives