Welcome Jeremy Ranft, New Director of Campus Safety
Jeremy Ranft, an established security professional, has been selected to serve as Lewis & Clark’s director of Campus Safety.
Jeremy Ranft takes his post as director of Campus Safety on Monday, January 6. He will spend his first weeks meeting with various campus groups and becoming familiar with our community.
“Jeremy brings outstanding experience in security operations,” Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students Evette Castillo Clark said. “I am looking forward to our good work together and to enhance campus safety and security services and programs for our entire community.”
About Jeremy:
Jeremy Ranft was born and raised in Oregon and graduated from Gaston High School. He served four years of active duty in the United States Marine Corps, then returned to Oregon and got his BS in Criminal Justice and Criminology from Portland State University. Jeremy currently serves in the Oregon Air National Guard as the fatality search and recovery team leader and he has over 30 years of combined experience in private security, military, and law enforcement. Jeremy has a 13-year-old daughter who loves being on a competitive dance team and an eight-year-old son who enjoys competing on a local swim team. In his spare time, Jeremy enjoys hiking, camping, fishing, and rock climbing.
“I wish to extend my deepest gratitude to those involved in the search process and meeting the final candidates for the director of Campus Safety,” Clark said. “I especially would like to thank Jess Carron for her invaluable time, leadership, and service that she gave in chairing the search committee. I also want to recognize the search committee of Joann Zhang, Ben Meoz, Libby Davis, and Sharon Chinn for all of their efforts in successfully completing our search process. A special note of thanks goes to both Bill Curtis and Interim Campus Safety Director David Dugatkin for their leadership and oversight during this time.”
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