Highlights of this new opportunity include:
Quarterly Webinars: Unlimited access for all faculty and staff to attend live quarterly
webinars that address issues of inclusivity and belonging, and recommend practical
approaches that can be implemented right away. As the webinars become available, we will share out the invitations to these so that you can attend.
Resource Messages: Faculty and staff will receive resources on how to create an inclusive community that leads to higher satisfaction and student and colleague success. Curated resources from the Belong toolkit—including instructional videos, sample surveys, implementation guides, articles, past expert webinars by leaders in the field, etc.—are available for use by all employees.
Nationally Recognized Credentials: Credentials are available for a number of faculty and staff annually in Fostering a Culture of Belonging, a nationally recognized course on issues of bias, microaggressions, and inclusivity. We will provide information about enrollment at various times of the year, as each start date approaches.
“This is a community effort, so if you have interest in ongoing professional growth and implementing a DEI centered pedagogy in your respective work, you are encouraged to participate as much as you are able,” Dean of Equity and Inclusion Dr. Danielle Torres said. “We have been searching for a professional development platform for some time that would be accessible and relevant to all employees, provide DEI tools and build skills, and align with our mission to cultivate a campus that is inclusive and keeps up with contemporary issues. The Belong Community fits all these needs and we look forward to getting these topical and timely resources in the hands of staff and faculty on a consistent basis.”
Mark Your Calendars
The first learning opportunity: A Quarterly Webinar titled Connections Are Everything: Fostering Campus Cultures of Learning, Belonging, and Thriving will be offered on
Wednesday, February 28, from 11 a.m. to noon. Any employee can register here to attend live or receive the recording later. You will soon see these resources roll out regularly in the Source and on the OEI websit