main contentFaculty Handbook
Introduction and Purpose of the Handbook
The Lewis & Clark College Faculty Handbook describes employment policies, benefits, privileges, and related operating procedures. The information is published here to provide a framework to faculty for understanding the standard practices of Lewis & Clark and for exercising their duties and obligations as faculty members.
While faculty should find the handbook useful as a guide to employment policies at the College, this document is not a contract of employment. The contract of employment is embodied in the individual faculty member’s letter of employment.
From time to time, policies and procedures may need to be modified or revised, or new policies developed, in a process consistent with the College’s tradition of shared governance. Each faculty member is responsible to become familiar with the contents of the handbook. The online version of this handbook will be updated as changes are approved by the appropriate institutional authorities. In addition, a PDF version of this handbook will be updated annually at the end of each academic year. This handbook supersedes all previous versions of Lewis & Clark faculty handbooks.
Table of Contents
I. Governance of Lewis & Clark
- Mission of the College
- The Organization of the College
- Faculty Governance
- Student Participation in Governance
II. Institutional Faculty Policies
- Academic Freedom and Responsibility
- Academic Rank
- Terms of Faculty Appointment
- Institutional Policy on Tenure, Promotion, and Faculty Reviews
- Use of Course/Instructor Evaluations and Faculty File Review Retention and Access
- Review of Faculty Teaching in Two or More Lewis & Clark Schools, Departments of Programs or Holding Joint Faculty/Administrative Appointments
- Administrative Positions
- Institutional Policy on Faculty Compensation and Workload
- Institutional Policies on Compensated External Activities of Faculty and Additional Lewis & Clark Compensation
- Institutional Policy on Sabbaticals and Other Leaves of Absence
- Code of Ethics
- Faculty Grievance Procedure
- Termination and Nonrenewal of Faculty Appointments
III. College of Arts and Sciences Faculty Policies and Bylaws
- Promotion and Tenure Reviews and Developmental Reviews
- Faculty Salary Policy
- Academic Leaves (Sabbatical) Policy
- Bylaws of the College of Arts and Sciences
IV. Law School Faculty Policies and Bylaws
V. Graduate School of Education and Counseling Policies and Bylaws
- Faculty Reviews
- Faculty Salary Policy
- Academic Leaves (Sabbatical) Policy
- Bylaws of the Graduate School
VI. Appendices
Previous version of Faculty Handbook
- Fall 2016 version: Faculty Handbook Section 1 - 5 (PDF) and Appendices (PDF)