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academics, collaborative research, experiential learning, history, outcomes, student research
Shadow of hands reaching up over a chain link fence with an American flag as the background.

History in Action at the Southern Border

Lewis & Clark history students are putting their research skills to work for asylum seekers at the U.S.-Mexico border.

career center, career success, international, outcomes, overseas, Peace Corps, public service, ranking
Graphic with Top Colleges 2024 gold badge and Lewis & Clark College #10.

A Peace Corps Top 10 Producer

Lewis & Clark has made the Top 10 list of small colleges and universities that have produced the highest all-time number of Peace Corps volunteers since the agency’s inception in 1961.

FOSA, performance, photo essay, student event, student research
Two students using microscopes.

A Celebration of Scholarship and Creativity

On April 12, the Lewis & Clark community took a break from classes to enjoy the Festival of Scholars and Artists, an annual event that celebrates the scholarship and creativity of our undergraduate students.

biology, collaborative research, experiential learning, faculty research, faculty, John S. Rogers Science Program, NSF, outcomes, student research
Colorful strands of DNA entwined together

Decoding Cellular ‘Shape-Shifters’

Biologist Sharon Torigoe and her students investigate the mechanisms that determine a cell’s fate.

fulbright award, Fulbright Scholar, outcomes
Alexandra posing outside, wearing a floral dress.

Fulbright Winner to Pursue Passion of Teaching Language

As the recipient of a prestigious Fulbright award, Alexandra Flory BA ’24 will serve as an English teaching assistant in Germany beginning this fall.