L&C Magazine

Winter 2006

Featured Stories

On Palatine Hill

  • on palatine hill, Winter-2006

    Lewis and Clark: They Shoulda Brought Along a GPS (and maybe some iPods)

    From East Coast to West, public radio listeners are tuning in to a vibrant scholarly series about the Lewis and Clark Expedition. The 13-part series, titled  Unfinished Journey: The Lewis and Clark Expedition, is a joint production of Lewis & Clark College and Oregon Public Broadcasting, with major funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities.

  • on palatine hill, Winter-2006

    Football Scores With L&C Community

    Lewis & Clark will retain its football program and hopes to return to Northwest Conference action in fall 2006. Tom Hochstettler, president of the College, accepted a recent report from the commission on Football that “reaffirmed the importance of football and of other intercollegiate sports as vital elements within the life of the College.”
  • on palatine hill, Winter-2006
    bell hooks

    Heard on Campus

    Recent lectures at L&C.
  • on palatine hill, Winter-2006

    Tom Meets W., Condoleezza

    Only one college president from Oregon attended the U.S. University Presidents Summit on International Education in Washington, D.C., and that was Lewis & Clark’s own Tom Hochstettler.
  • on palatine hill, Winter-2006

    Democracy & Education Debuts

    Lewis & Clark’s Graduate School of Education and Counseling has added a quarterly journal to its offerings: Democracy & Education. Formerly published by Ohio University, the journal is now edited by Nancy Nagel, associate dean and professor of education, and Peter Cookson, dean and professor of educational administration.
  • on palatine hill, Winter-2006

    Lawyers for a Week

    While some teens idled away their summer in front of a Gameboy or at a local mall, some Ockley Green Middle School students spent a week of their summer arguing cases before a judge at the Multnomah County Courthouse, part of the law school’s Law Summer Camp 2005.
  • on palatine hill, Winter-2006
    Juli Fulks, Lewis & Clark's women's basketball coach (back row, center) with the Malaysian women's basketball Junior N...

    Basketball Diplomacy

    Lewis & Clark’s head men’s basketball coach, Bob Gaillard, and head women’s basketball coach, Juli Fulks, traveled to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, last fall to take part in “Understand the Game,” a U.S. State Department– sponsored basketball diplomacy exchange program.
  • on palatine hill, Winter-2006

    Some Like It Hot

    Newsweek magazine’s 2006 college guide calls Lewis & Clark one of America’s hottest colleges. 
  • on palatine hill, Winter-2006
    Ed Edmo, storyteller, poet, playwright, and consultant to the Smithsonian on Native American culture, talks with students at the second a...

    Symposia in Brief

    Highlights of the Environmental Affairs and Warren Multicultural symposia.
  • on palatine hill, Winter-2006

    Class of 2009 … Is Very Fine!

    Total first-year applications: 4,184 (a new record)

  • on palatine hill, Winter-2006

    Peace Corps Pride

    “It’s the toughest job you’ll ever love,” but many Lewis & Clark graduates feel up to the challenge. The College recently tied for 20th in the nation among small colleges and universities with the most Peace Corps volunteers in 2005. (Lewis & Clark had 17 alumni volunteers.)
  • on palatine hill, Winter-2006

    New Asset in Finance

    Denis Ransmeier is the new vice president for business and finance and treasurer of Lewis & Clark College. He was selected after a nationwide search and took up his post at the beginning of the academic year.
  • on palatine hill, Winter-2006

    ‘Is Morrison Dead?’ et al.

    Comments and reactions continue to swirl in the aftermath of last summer’s U.S. Supreme Court decision on medical marijuana use. The winter 2005 issue of the Lewis & Clark Law Review focuses scholarly attention on the doctrinal and policy implications of the case,Gonzales v. Raich.
  • on palatine hill, Winter-2006

    Planning Task Force Under Way

    What will Lewis & Clark look like in 2010? How about 2015?
  • on palatine hill, Winter-2006
    All-West Region cross country honors went to Laura Sbordone '07, Tamma Carleton '09, Carla McHattie '06, and Therese McCaffrey '08.


    Cross Country, Soccer, and Volleyball updates.
  • on palatine hill, Winter-2006
    Sydney Linden '07 (left) with friend and fellow traveler Kathleen Yetman '07 in Ecuador.

    The Mythical Traveler

    Sydney Linden wrote this essay based on her experiences during an overseas study program to Ecuador in spring 2005. The program focused on the language, history, natural history, and socioeconomic institutions of Ecuador. Linden, who grew up in Colorado and New Mexico, is a junior majoring in sociology and anthropology. She works at the local chapter of Girls Inc. and helps coordinate a peer HIV/AIDS prevention and education program at Cascade AIDS Project. She plans to continue her work in the field of HIV/AIDS advocacy after college.
  • on palatine hill, Winter-2006
    Members of Redland Drum sing an honor song to initiate the Tribal Educators Program during the graduate school's fall convocation.

    American Indian Education

    More than 12,000 of Oregon’s nearly 550,000 K-12 students are American Indians, yet few of the state’s students are taught by Indian teachers or attend schools led by Indian administrators. Lewis & Clark’s Graduate School of Education and Counseling recently received two high-profile grants to help address this issue.
  • on palatine hill, Winter-2006
    James Richardson '70, JD '76

    Student–to Alum–to Trustee

    Lewis & Clark’s Board of Trustees has welcomed three new members, all of whom are alumni with strong ties to the College.
  • on palatine hill, Winter-2006

    Hurricane Help

    In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, the Lewis & Clark community mobilized to welcome displaced students from Gulf Coast colleges and universities and to reach out to provide relief.
  • on palatine hill, Winter-2006
    Howard Hall is designed to capture and filter storm water runoff from its roofs--just one of many green features that helped the building...

    Turning Green Into Gold

    John R. Howard Hall has earned the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Gold certification for environmentally friendly design from the U.S. Green Building Council. 
  • on palatine hill, Winter-2006

    Meet the New Head of Ethnic Student Services

    Lisa Webb is the new associate dean and director of ethnic student services at Lewis & Clark College. She leads the College’s efforts to advance its commitment to diversity and multicultural perspectives. Her career in higher education spans more than two decades and includes leadership positions at Harvard University, Stanford University, and the University of California at Davis.
  • on palatine hill, Winter-2006

    NCATE Gives OK

    The graduate school has earned a spot in an elite group of national schools of education accredited by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education, known as NCATE.
  • on palatine hill, Winter-2006
    Tom Holland, who played Joe Field, stabber of a Blackfeet Indian; Roger Wendlick, who played George Drouillard, a hired interpreter; and ...

    Meriwether Lewis Stands Trial

    U.S. District Judge Owen Panner, a life trustee of the College, sat in judgment over history when Lewis & Clark Law School and the Oregon Historical Society put Meriwether Lewis on trial in October.

Alumni News

  • alumni news, Winter-2006
    Nine honor years celebrated their class reunions during Alumni Weekend 2005, including the classes of 1965 and 1990.

    Alumni Weekend Nets Record Turnout

    Roughly 600 alumni–a dramatic increase over last year’s number–attended Alumni Weekend, October 14 to 16. Organizers attribute the rise to the hard work of volunteer committees, who e-mailed and phoned classmates throughout the summer and early fall.


In Memoriam

In Memoriam, Profile, Winter-2006

Trumpeter, Friend of the College Dies

Forest Trubey ‘46, who was featured prominently in one of the College’s recent planned giving publications
In Memoriam, Winter-2006

In Memoriam

Honoring alumni, faculty, staff, and friends who have recently passed.
In Memoriam, Profile, Winter-2006

Two Former Professors Mourned

Robert Deery, professor emeritus of physics, Lois Smithwick ‘47, a former assistant professor of health and physical education at Lewis & Clark