L&C Magazine
Cover Story
Lewis & Clark Congratulates a Rhodes Scholar
Featured Stories
- Feature, Winter-2011
A New Venture for Betsy Amster
Betsy Amster, the wife of Barry Glassner, says she has always been a book person. “My mother used to read to my sister and me every night around the kitchen table,” she says. “That experience turned me into a child who took out six books from the library at a time.” Read more. - Feature, Winter-2011
Stuart Kaplan: 30 Years as KLC Advisor
The second time Stuart Kaplan was “kidnapped” by KLC DJs, a group of students drove up to the door of his house and strongly suggested he get into their car. He wound up joining the merry pranksters on a road trip to Eugene for his first and only Grateful Dead concert. “Sure, I went,” the mild-mannered communication professor says now, laughing at the memory of the late-’80s adventure. “I had a lot of fun.”
Message from the President
Listening, Learning, Leading
On Palatine Hill
- on palatine hill, Winter-2011
Pull-Up Pamplin Challenge
Can you do 20 pull-ups? In a suit and tie? At age 69? Dr. Robert B. Pamplin Jr. ’64, ’65, ’66 can–and he wondered if other members of the Lewis & Clark community could as well. - on palatine hill, Winter-2011
Gardner Greets Portland
On October 8, Howard Gardner, renowned education scholar and MacArthur Fellow, spoke to more than 800 educators about the future of education at Portland’s first Creating Minds Symposium, cosponsored by Lewis & Clark’s Graduate School of Education and Counseling. - on palatine hill, Winter-2011
Judaic Moroccan Papers Go Digital
What began with simple curiosity about a small room filled with bags of papers in a synagogue in Rabat, Morocco, has become a project that will help change the way anthropologists and historians document cultures around the world. - on palatine hill, Winter-2011
Whiz Bang Blog
What does our galaxy smell like? How afraid of asteroids should we really be? How does universe make the building blocks of life? - on palatine hill, Winter-2011
Untangling the Food Chain
Unseasonably warm weather, live music, and a colorful Food Fair marked the beginning of Lewis & Clark’s 13th annual Environmental Affairs Symposium, held in mid-October. - on palatine hill, Winter-2011
Class of 2014
Total first-year applications: 5,281
Applications submitted online: 98%
Students in the class of 2014: 495
- on palatine hill, Winter-2011
Honoring Shelby and Gale Davis
On September 29, Lewis & Clark hosted a dessert and champagne reception in honor of Shelby and Gale Davis, benefactors of the Davis United World College Scholars Program. - on palatine hill, Winter-2011
A Top ‘Green’ Law School
Lewis & Clark Law School has been named among the Top Green Law Schools in the country by preLaw magazine. - on palatine hill, Winter-2011
Wherefore Art Thou, O Modern Romeo and Juliet?
In less then four days of real time and about three hours of stage time, two young people manage to fall in love at first sight, sleep with each other, cause murderous mayhem among their friends and relatives, run away from home, hastily marry in a questionable ceremony, consume drugs supplied by a shady religious guru, break their parents’ hearts, and ultimately do away with themselves. - on palatine hill, Winter-2011
Documenting Life
Have you ever wanted to be a documentarian for your family, community, or workplace but felt you lacked the tools?
Alumni News
- alumni news, Winter-2011
Outstanding Alumni to Be Honored
Each year, Lewis & Clark honors alumni from the College of Arts and Sciences for their outstanding accomplishments and community service. We’re proud to announce the 2011 honorees, who will receive their awards at the Alumni Honors Banquet on February 19.
- alumni news, Births and Adoptions, Class Notes, class-notes, Winter-2011
Births and Adoptions, Winter 2011
Birth and Adoptions
- alumni spotlight, Class Notes, class-notes, Profile, Winter-2011
Oregon’s Newest Supreme Court Justice
Jack Landau BA ’75, JD ’80 was nervous when, as a newly minted lawyer, he walked into the office of U.S. District Court Judge Robert Belloni to interview for a clerkship. He sat down, glanced at the judge’s desk, and began to sweat. - alumni spotlight, Class Notes, class-notes, Profile, Winter-2011
Turning Up the Heat on Cold Climate Housing
In the dead of winter in Fairbanks, Alaska, when temperatures average 10 degrees below zero—and sometimes drop to 40 below—Suzanne Bishop BS ’82 is snug and safe inside the Cold Climate Housing Research Center, monitoring high-tech sensors, compiling data, and planning for her summer garden. - Profile, Winter-2011
Illustrating Darwin
Nicolle Rager Fuller BS ’99 combines her interests in science and art to give readers a new perspective on Darwin’s On the Origin of Species.
- alumni spotlight, Class Notes, class-notes, Profile, Winter-2011
Cofounders of Pacific Crest Community School
Pacific Crest, located in northeast Portland, is a fully accredited independent school for grades 7 through 12. It was founded in 1993 by Becky Lukens MAT ’90, Ed.S. ’10, Jenny Osborne MAT ’94, and three other teachers.
Place- and Community-Based Education in Schools
Gregory Smith, professor of teacher education, coauthors a primer and guide for educators and laypeople who are interested in advocating for or incorporating local content and experiences into schools. Place and community-based education addresses two critical gaps in the experience of many children now growing up in the United States: contact with the natural world and contact with community. Routledge, 2010. 184 pages.
Ralph Ellison in Progress
Adam Bradley BA ’96 surveys the expansive geography of Ellison’s unfinished second novel while revisiting the more familiar, but often misunderstood, territory of Invisible Man. He works from the premise that understanding Ellison’s process of composition imparts important truths not only about the author himself but about race, writing, and American identity. Yale University Press, 2010. 256 pages.
The Measure of Woman: Law and Female Identity in the Crown of Aragon
Marie Kelleher BA ’94 explores the complex relationship between women and legal culture in Spain’s Crown of Aragon during the late medieval period. Drawing on hundreds of unpublished court records, Kelleher examines how women engaged with patriarchal assumptions to shape their legal identities, thereby playing a crucial role in the formation of gendered legal culture that shaped women’s lives throughout Europe for centuries afterward. University of Pennsylvania Press, 2010.
The Lightning That Strikes the Neighbors’ House
Nick Lantz BA ’03, who won the 2010 Felix Pollak Prize in Poetry for this collection, explores the transformative power of the tragic and the miraculous in these poems. He plunges headfirst into worlds that are both eccentric and familiar, alarming and hopeful.
University of Wisconsin Press, 2010. 80 pages.
Discovering Indigenous Lands: The Doctrine of Discovery in the English Colonies
Robert J. Miller, professor of law, coauthors a text that explains and compares how England used the international legal principle known today as the Doctrine of Discovery to colonize North America, New Zealand, and Australia. The book provides insight into how the doctrine was—and continues to be—used to justify sovereign and property claims over indigenous lands and peoples. Oxford University Press, 2010. 350 pages.
Charming Proofs: A Journey Into Elegant Mathematics
Roger Nelsen, professor emeritus of mathematics, co-edits this useful resource for those who teach calculus in high schools or colleges. The authors present a collection of remarkable proofs in elementary mathematics, which they find exceptionally elegant, full of ingenuity, and succinct. Mathematical Association of America, 2010. 295 pages.
The Hero’s Place: Medieval Literary Traditions of Space and Belonging
Molly Robinson Kelly, assistant professor of French, presents an innovative study of how the spaces described in a literary work contribute dynamically and profoundly to that work’s meaning. She focuses on three seminal works of the Middle Ages—The Life of Saint Alexis, The Song of Roland, and Tristan and Iseult.
Catholic University of America Press, 2009. 320 pages.
Paul McCartney: A Life
Peter Ames Carlin BA ’85 tackles the life of music legend Paul McCartney, drawing on recent interviews with his friends and former bandmates and on original research. The book chronicles McCartney’s life from his childhood in Liverpool, to his rise to fame with the Beatles, to his marriage to Heather Mills and their divorce. Touchstone, 2010. 384 pages.
In Memoriam
In Memoriam, Winter 2011
Honoring alumni, faculty, staff, and friends who have recently passed.
A Teacher’s First Day of School
L&C Magazine is located in McAfee on the Undergraduate Campus.
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L&C Magazine
Lewis & Clark
615 S. Palatine Hill Road
Portland OR 97219