L&C Magazine

Spring 2021

Featured Stories

  • Feature, Spring-2021
    How do we interrupt systemic racism in the curriculum? How do we interrupt it in the schools and in the district?

    Poetic Justice

    The Oregon Writing Project brings educators together to build antiracist curriculum and transform their own teaching expertise into scholarly research.
  • Feature, Spring-2021
    Introspection Daelon Floyd BA '21

    Alone Together

    Colors, Thoughts, and Feelings of a Pandemic.
  • Feature, Spring-2021

    Branching Out on the Subject of Trees

    “Does Lewis & Clark offer classes that talk a lot about trees—from any perspective?”
    It was an unexpected inquiry from a new student and advisee of Jennifer Hubbert, professor of anthropology and Asian studies. Hubbert posed the question to her colleagues on L&C’s faculty listserv. The thread quickly went viral among faculty and served to highlight one of the key strengths of a liberal arts education: its interdisciplinary focus.
  • Feature, Spring-2021
    Janet Davidson

    Reflections From Retirees

    Few people are as influential as a good teacher. At the close of the past academic year, Lewis & Clark bid farewell to five longtime faculty who have touched generations of students.
  • Feature, Spring-2021

    Liberty and Justice, After All

    A victim of extraordinary injustice himself, Calvin Duncan pursued an unjust law for others, all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, and won. Now he’s a first-year student at Lewis & Clark Law School.
  • Feature, Spring-2021

    Pioneer Podcasting

    Lewis & Clark alumni amplify their voices on the internet.

Message from the President

President's Letter, Spring-2021

What a Difference a Year Makes

We sometimes think of institutions like ours as slow-moving and resistant to changing direction. Sometimes this is true, but last year we turned on a dime. The pandemic gave us no choice.
Even in the COVID era, the show must go on. In November, the theatre department, in collaboration with the music department, presented Ca...
Even in the COVID era, the show must go on. In November, the theatre department, in collaboration with the music department, presented Cabaret. Owen Carey