L&C Magazine
Spring 2021
Cover Story
Lewis & Clark’s Prescription for COVID-19
For Lewis & Clark, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic began in earnest in March 2020, when the college moved exclusively to online learning on all three of its campuses. Now, more than a year into the global crisis, Lewis & Clark continues to make adjustments, fine-tuning its curricular and cocurricular offerings to ensure that students still experience the best of an L&C education. How has the college adapted? What’s different? What’s the same? We share a few examples, highlighting the creativity, flexibility, and resiliency of the Lewis & Clark community.
Read the storyFeatured Stories
- Feature, Spring-2021
Poetic Justice
The Oregon Writing Project brings educators together to build antiracist curriculum and transform their own teaching expertise into scholarly research. - Feature, Spring-2021
Branching Out on the Subject of Trees
“Does Lewis & Clark offer classes that talk a lot about trees—from any perspective?”
It was an unexpected inquiry from a new student and advisee of Jennifer Hubbert, professor of anthropology and Asian studies. Hubbert posed the question to her colleagues on L&C’s faculty listserv. The thread quickly went viral among faculty and served to highlight one of the key strengths of a liberal arts education: its interdisciplinary focus. - Feature, Spring-2021
Reflections From Retirees
Few people are as influential as a good teacher. At the close of the past academic year, Lewis & Clark bid farewell to five longtime faculty who have touched generations of students. - Feature, Spring-2021
Liberty and Justice, After All
A victim of extraordinary injustice himself, Calvin Duncan pursued an unjust law for others, all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, and won. Now he’s a first-year student at Lewis & Clark Law School.
Message from the President
President's Letter, Spring-2021
What a Difference a Year Makes
We sometimes think of institutions like ours as slow-moving and resistant to changing direction. Sometimes this is true, but last year we turned on a dime. The pandemic gave us no choice.
On Palatine Hill
- on palatine hill, Spring-2021
New Career Building Blocks
Beginning in fall 2021, Lewis & Clark will offer two new academic focus areas, building on the unique interdisciplinary strengths of the liberal arts.
- on palatine hill, Spring-2021
New to the Board
Lewis & Clark’s Board of Trustees recently welcomed four new members:
Leadership and Support
leadership, Spring-2021
Major Gifts and Grants
Lewis & Clark thanks its generous donors for these major gifts, grants, and pledges.
Alumni News
Summer Reading Ideas
Need some ideas for summer reading? We went right to the source of all things books: the Watzek Library staff. Here are their picks for both serious and light reads.
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L&C Magazine
Lewis & Clark
615 S. Palatine Hill Road
Portland OR 97219