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Spring 2013
Cover Story
Voices in Rural China
Associate professor of Chinese Keith Dede and Neil Murray CAS ’13 collect oral histories at the crossroads of Han Chinese, Tibetan, and Mongolian cultures.
Read the storyFeatured Stories
Feature, send-to-homepage, Spring-2013
Intelligent Design
Matthew Rugamba CAS ’13 launches his own fashion line, House of Tayo. by Carin Moonin
Feature, Spring-2013
Venture and Vision
Budding student and alumni entrepreneurs compete for start-up funding.
Feature, send-to-homepage, Spring-2013
Filling the Mental Health Gap
Lewis & Clark’s Community Counseling Center provides high-quality, affordable counseling to the Portland community.
Feature, send-to-homepage, Spring-2013
The Supreme Test
John G. Roberts, Jr., Chief Justice of the United States, inaugurates the law school’s environmental moot court competition.
Feature, send-to-homepage, Spring-2013
Grit and Grace
Through his documentary films, Brian Lindstrom BS’84 brings marginalized lives to light.
Message from the President
President's Letter, Spring-2013
Entrepreneurship and the Liberal Arts
One of the goals in our new strategic plan might simply be referred to as the practical application of the liberal arts. Learning for learning’s sake is at the core of what we do, but we’re also committed to building integrated cocurricular experiences. Each plays a vital role in preparing our students for the world beyond Lewis & Clark.
On Palatine Hill
on palatine hill, Spring-2013
Divining Meaning: Meditations on Gender and Religion
The 32nd annual Gender Studies Symposium, held in mid-March, offered meditations on gender and religion.
on palatine hill, Spring-2013
Lewis & Clark Community Counseling Center
The Community Counseling Center is at 4445 S.W. Barbur Boulevard, accessible by Tri-Met bus.
on palatine hill, Spring-2013
Stafford Centennial
Over the course of the next year, Lewis & Clark will hold a series of activities and events commemorating the 100th birthday of William Stafford, who was one of the most prolific and important American poets of the last half of the 20th century.
on palatine hill, sports, Spring-2013
NWC Champions
Lewis & Clark’s women’s basketball team—at one point ranked No. 5 in the nation—delivers a stellar season.
on palatine hill, Spring-2013
Community Service Honored
For the second time, Lewis & Clark has been named to the President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll by the Corporation for National and Community Service.
on palatine hill, Spring-2013
Meet the New Dean of Students
Anna Gonzalez, former associate vice chancellor for student affairs at the University of Illinois, joined the Lewis & Clark community last summer as the new dean of students. Gonzalez is a liberal arts graduate of Loyola Marymount University and has been in the student affairs field for 20 years.
letters, on palatine hill, Spring-2013
Letters and Posts
Spring 2013
on palatine hill, Spring-2013
The Art of Heavy Metal
Nearly 30 Lewis & Clark students displayed their artwork in this spring’s Senior Art Exhibition in Lewis & Clark’s Hoffman Gallery of Contemporary Art.
on palatine hill, Spring-2013
New Environmental Law Degree— for Nonlawyers
Lewis & Clark Law School has launched a new degree targeted at those who are passionate about the environment—a master of studies in environmental and natural resources law. This is the first program of its kind at an Oregon law school and one of only a few similar programs in the nation.
on palatine hill, sports, Spring-2013
Winter Sports
Men’s Basketball, Men’s Swimming and Women’s Swimming results.
on palatine hill, Spring-2013
Congressman on Campus
U.S. Representative Earl Blumenauer BA ’70, JD ’76 visited Lewis & Clark in late January.
on palatine hill, Spring-2013
College Outdoors: Creating a Sense of Place
For more than 30 years, College Outdoors has introduced Lewis & Clark students to the spectacular natural environments of the Pacific Northwest and beyond. From temperate coastal rainforests to arid deserts, our region offers many diverse ecosystems to explore.
on palatine hill, Spring-2013
Powerful IA Symposium
In April, Lewis & Clark hosted its 51st International Affairs Symposium, titled Power: Balance, Order, and Flux.
Leadership and Support
leadership, Spring-2013
Scholarship Recognition Luncheon
On April 16, more than 150 donors, students, faculty, and staff gathered for the annual Scholarship Recognition Luncheon. Student financial aid, including funds for endowed scholarships and annual operating gifts, make the critical difference for 77 percent of Lewis & Clark students.
leadership, Spring-2013
Scholarships Impact Donors and Students
Each of us is where we are today because someone, at some point, reached out to help. Currently in the College of Arts and Sciences, more than 70 percent of students receive some form of financial assistance. And the number of students who need such assistance is growing.
leadership, Spring-2013
Major Gifts and Grants
To sustain and advance its mission, Lewis & Clark depends on transformative gifts and grants from individuals, foundations, corporations, and government programs.
Alumni News
alumni news, Spring-2013
Lewis & Clark on the Road
This spring, President Barry Glassner and his wife, Betsy Amster, traveled to events around the country, meeting alumni, parents, admitted students, and college supporters.
In Memoriam, Profile, Spring-2013
Faculty Remembered
Kristi Williams, associate director of academic advising • Ted Braun, professor emeritus of English • Bill Randall, professor emeritus of chemistry
1970s, Bookshelf, Class Notes, class-notes, outcomes, Profile, send-to-college, Spring-2013
The Art of Creating Children’s Books
When Christy Hale’s BA ’77, MAT ’80 daughter was a baby, she remembers watching her make brightly colored pyramids out of stacking rings. “Turned upside down, the stack of rings resembled Frank Lloyd Wright’s design for the Guggenheim Museum in New York City,” thought Hale.
2010s, In Memoriam, Profile, Spring-2013
Students Mourned
Spring 2013
1990s, Class Notes, class-notes, Profile, Spring-2013
A Noteworthy Attorney and Musician
Greg Scholl JD ’95 headed home from his day job at the Metropolitan Public Defender’s Office in Hillsboro, Oregon, to grab his trombone and don a black tuxedo, bow tie, and cummerbund. He hustled over to a local church and joined the Portland Columbia Symphony Orchestra on stage. Then, for the next two hours, he exchanged legal briefs for sheet music, leading the low brass section through performances of Dvorak’s Symphony No. 2 and Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue.
1990s, Class Notes, class-notes, outcomes, Profile, send-to-college, Spring-2013
BirdFellow Takes Flight
On a summer day in 2007, Bjorn Hinrichs BA ’94 and his 3-year-old son, Sawyer, were exploring the front yard of their Lake Oswego, Oregon, home—digging in the dirt, turning over rocks, and inspecting bugs. A noisy bird with a red head and fluffy red chest flew in and landed. Sawyer was captivated—and curious.
1960s, Class Notes, class-notes, outcomes, Profile, send-to-college, Spring-2013
Intercultural Learning Ambassador
In the fall of 1962, senior Myrna Ann Adkins BA ’63 and about 20 Lewis & Clark students climbed aboard the S.S. President Cleveland headed to Japan for a semester of cultural immersion and study.
In Memoriam
2010s, In Memoriam, Profile, Spring-2013
Students Mourned
Spring 2013
In Memoriam, Spring-2013
In Memoriam, Spring 2013
Honoring alumni, faculty, staff, and friends who have recently passed.
In Memoriam, Profile, Spring-2013
Faculty Remembered
Kristi Williams, associate director of academic advising • Ted Braun, professor emeritus of English • Bill Randall, professor emeritus of chemistry
Stories From Michoacán
By Joanne Mulcahy
In a widely viewed TED talk, Nigerian novelist Chimamanda Adichie describes her encounters with “the danger of a single story.” Adichie grew up in a middle-class family, and her mother repeatedly commanded that she finish her dinner, citing the poverty of their houseboy, Fide. When she finally met Fide’s family, she was astonished that his mother wove beautiful raffia baskets. In her mother’s single story of poverty, there was no room for beauty. Single stories reduce the complexity of human experience. People become, Adichie argues, one aspect of their lives.
Read the storyIn a widely viewed TED talk, Nigerian novelist Chimamanda Adichie describes her encounters with “the danger of a single story.” Adichie grew up in a middle-class family, and her mother repeatedly commanded that she finish her dinner, citing the poverty of their houseboy, Fide. When she finally met Fide’s family, she was astonished that his mother wove beautiful raffia baskets. In her mother’s single story of poverty, there was no room for beauty. Single stories reduce the complexity of human experience. People become, Adichie argues, one aspect of their lives.
Scholarship Recognition Luncheon
On April 16, more than 150 donors, students, faculty, and staff gathered for the annual Scholarship Recognition Luncheon.
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L&C Magazine
Lewis & Clark
615 S. Palatine Hill Road
Portland OR 97219