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This spring, President Barry Glassner and his wife, Betsy Amster, traveled to events around the country, meeting alumni, parents, admitted students, and college supporters.
- Harvard Club Boston: Betsy Amster and Stephen LeBoutillier BA ’00, interim director of Alumni and Parent Programs, greet Shengxi Tian JD ’03.
- Harvard Club Boston: Barry Glassner talks with Carolina Greenwood, parent of Connor Laubenstein CAS ’16, and Thomas Kanwit.
- Harvard Club Boston: Sylvia Sissel Ovregaard BS ’95, senior development officer; Tammy Zambo BS ’85; and Judy Laster JD ’86 enjoy the event.
- Eldorado Country Club Indian Wells, California: Jerry Fischer BS ’68, trustee; Kay Fischer; Mike McCaslin JD ’88; Libby McCaslin JD ’87, trustee; Barry Glassner; Betsy Amster; Caroline Swindells; Ambassador Charles “Butch” Swindells BS ’66, life trustee.
- Eldorado Country Club Indian Wells, California: Daniel Bohlmann BS ’70, JD ’74; Robert Gilliland JD ’89; Bruce Singer; Sharie Hatchett-Bohlmann; Robert Klonoff, dean of the law school.
- Eldorado Country Club Indian Wells, California: Barry Glassner; Betsy Amster; Marilyn Pamplin; Dr. Robert B. Pamplin Jr. ’64, ’65,’66, life trustee.
Lewis & Clark on the Road
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