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Spring 2011

Message from the President

President's Letter, Spring-2011

Making Science Talk

When the highest-rated science series on television features two of our professors in a three-week period, millions take notice. I hope you took the opportunity this spring to watch Kellar Autumn and Greta Binford on separate episodes of NOVA.

On Palatine Hill

on palatine hill, Spring-2011

New Residence Hall to Open in Fall 2012

In October, the Lewis & Clark Board of Trustees approved the construction of a LEED gold-rated residence hall on the undergraduate campus. The Chronicle sat down with Celestino Limas, dean of students and chief diversity officer, to find out more.
grad school, on palatine hill, Spring-2011
Translation: Let us plant flowers in our beloved country and save our country from war and turbulence forever.

War in the Crosshairs of Art

Each year, Lewis & Clark Professor of Education Zaher Wahab travels to his native Afghanistan to help rebuild the educational infrastructure of the war-torn country.
on palatine hill, Spring-2011
Barbara Getty BA '56, MAT 78; Samuel Tidwell CAS '12; Jack Venables BS '56; Alison Lentz CAS '12.

Scholarship Recognition Luncheon

On March 31, more than 130 donors, students, faculty, and staff gathered for the annual Scholarship Recognition Luncheon. Funds for endowed scholarships and annual operating gifts for student financial aid make the critical difference for more than 70 percent of Lewis & Clark students.
on palatine hill, Spring-2011

Mellon Foundation Recognizes Environmental Studies

More than one out of every 10 students who apply to Lewis & Clark indicate an interest in majoring in environmental studies. And that interest often translates into action: this year, Lewis & Clark will graduate its largest-ever class of environmental studies majors.
on palatine hill, Spring-2011
Members of the PEAS community learn to cook locally harvested food at Tryon Life Community Farm.

Environmental Action Floor in Full Bloom

Plastic buckets of excess cafeteria food line the foyer awaiting composting; oyster mushrooms grow in the basement for fertilizer; and a vegetable garden, formerly a volleyball pit, blooms nearby. All of these efforts reflect the work of the PEAS floor, located in the Juniper Residence Hall in the Forest Complex. PEAS stands for Pioneers in Environmental Action and Service—it’s one of several themed housing options offered by the undergraduate college.
on palatine hill, Spring-2011
Kristina Williams CAS '13

Pio Sports

Basketball and Swimming updates.
on palatine hill, Spring-2011
Warren Multicultural Symposium

Signature Symposia Enliven Campus

Warren Multicultural Symposium, Gender Studies Symposium, and International Affairs Symposium.
on palatine hill, Spring-2011

Law School Ranks High in Public Interest Law

Lewis & Clark Law School has been named one of the top 10 law schools in the United States for public interest law by preLaw magazine. The annual ranking is based on three factors: placement in the public service sector, curricular offerings (courses and clinical opportunities), and cost of education.
on palatine hill, Spring-2011

Peace Corps A Top Choice for L&C Grads

Lewis & Clark is a top provider of Peace Corps volunteers. This year, the college tied for third in the Peace Corps’ annual ranking, jumping nine spots from 2010.
on palatine hill, Spring-2011

Chronicle Wins Gold, Sports New Online Look

We’re pleased to report that the Lewis & Clark Chronicle earned a Gold Award in the 2011 regional communications competition sponsored by the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE).
on palatine hill, Spring-2011

New Board Chair

James Richardson BS ’70, JD ’76 has been named the new chair of the Board of Trustees of Lewis & Clark College. Richardson replaces Ronald Ragen, whose three-year term ended this spring.
on palatine hill, Spring-2011

Encouraging Teachers of Color

Lewis & Clark’s Teacher Education Program has been selected as a partner for the Woodrow Wilson–Rockefeller Brothers Fund Fellowships for Aspiring Teachers of Color, in recognition of our program’s “bold, innovative approaches that can prepare teachers for a time in which the nation’s K-12 schools are undergoing dramatic changes.” The fellowship seeks to help recruit, support, and retain individuals of color as public school teachers in the United States.
on palatine hill, Spring-2011

Race Considered

Michele Norris, host of National Public Radio’s All Things Considered, spoke on campus January 21 as part of the college’s observance of the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday and Black History Month. Norris spoke about the origins of her book, The Grace of Silence: A Memoir.

Alumni News

alumni news, Spring-2011

Reunion Weekend

Enjoy Summer in Portland: Reunion Weekend June 23–26
alumni news, alumni, Spring-2011

Upcoming Alumni Events

International, Regional, and Campus events for alumni.


1990s, Class Notes, class-notes, grad school, Profile, Spring-2011

Oregon’s Secondary Art Educator of the Year

As the high school drawing students take out their sketch pads, teacher Janice Packard MAT  94 pulls out the art journal she compiled in college. The book is flagged with Post-it notes, marking examples of how her journal entries—her personal thoughts, observations, and sketches—grew into ideas that became pieces of art.
2000s, Class Notes, class-notes, Profile, Spring-2011

Taking a Stand Against Human Trafficking

After graduating, Chris Killmer BA ’07 joined the nonprofit Catholic Charities of Oregon. The staff includes attorney Samantha Dashiel JD ’09, who helps clients with immigration issues, and bilingual case manager Meagan Kent BA ’03, who handles day-to-day client case management. They not only serve people in need, but also support each other in work they say is frequently “daunting and overwhelming.”
1980s, Class Notes, class-notes, Profile, Spring-2011

Preserving Oregon’s Historic Landmarks

In the attic of historic Arlington House, located in Virginia’s Arlington National Cemetery, Chrissy Curran BA 87 looked up in awe as her tour guide pointed out the name and date carved in a ceiling beam. A carpenter who’d helped build the house in the late 1700s had signed his work.


The Simpering, North Dakota Literary Society

George Skipworth, assistant professor of music, offers a work of historical fiction and humor—set against the backdrop of the suffrage movement in 1919—in which card shark and ex-nun Farika Zingarella wins the greatest poker game in history. The prize? The town of Simpering, North Dakota. Gathering five female geniuses to her side, she establishes a prairie empire.

Rosslare Press, 2010. 242 pages.

Adios, Nirvana

Conrad Wesselhoeft BA ’76 authors a novel set on the streets of Seattle about a teenager adrift after the death of his brother. His life changes when he’s ordered by his school principal to write the life story of David, a World War II veteran and hospice resident. For ages 14 and up.

Houghton Mifflin Books for Children, 2010. 240 pages.

A Secret Weeping of Stones

Ron Talney JD ’66 explores the complex emotional terrain of shadow, sorrow, and truth through this thoughtprovoking collection of poems, which was nominated for both an Oregon Book Award and a Pacific Northwest Booksellers Award.

Plain View Press, 2010. 120 pages.

The Mindfulness Code: Keys for Overcoming Stress, Anxiety, Fear, and Unhappiness

Donald Altman MA ’04, a psychotherapist and former Buddhist monk, describes how mindfulness and meditation can help transform mind, body, spirit, and relationships.

New World Library, 2010. 288 pages.

Monument Eternal: The Music of Alice Coltrane

Franya Berkman, assistant professor of music, offers a biography of Alice Coltrane, an African American avant-garde composer, improviser, guru, and widow of jazz musician John Coltrane.

Wesleyan University Press, 2010. 160 pages.

Spying in America in the Post 9/11 World: Domestic Threat and the Need for Change

Ronald Marks BS ’78 presents a thorough investigation of intelligence collection in the United States, including its complex relationship to civil liberties. Drawing upon his many years of experience in the intelligence community, he offers a menu of next steps to advance U.S. domestic intelligence.

Praeger, 2010. 153 pages.

Doing Literary Criticism: Helping Students Engage With Challenging Texts

Tim Gillespie MAT ’74, MA ’04, who has taught in public schools for nearly four decades, provides a guide to help teachers engage students in more complex texts. He presents a rigorous curriculum featuring 11 critical approaches, each with an overview, teaching suggestions, and practical activities. (The book includes a supplementary CD.)

Stenhouse Publishers, 2010. 306 pages.

Performing Bodies in Pain: Medieval and Post-Modern Martyrs, Mystics, and Artists

Marla Carlson BA ’75 examines the universal phenomenon of pain, its performance on the stage, and its effect upon audiences in both medieval and modern contexts.

Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. 240 pages.

Socratic Moral Psychology

Nicholas Smith, Miller Professor of Humanities, coauthors a text that argues against the orthodox view of Socratic intellectualism and offers in its place a comprehensive alternative account that explains why Socrates believed that emotions, desires, and appetites can influence human motivation and lead to error.

Cambridge University Press, 2010. 284 pages.

In Memoriam

In Memoriam, Spring-2011

In Memoriam, Spring 2011

Honoring alumni, faculty, staff, and friends who have recently passed.