main content Inaugural Dinner and Academic Symposium
- Inaugural Dinner – On inauguration eve, longtime Lewis & Clark supporters and other special guests enjoyed dinner at the Portland Art Museum. John Howard, former president of Lewis & Clark, and his wife, Ruth Howard, with Betsy Amster and Barry Glassner.
- Inaugural Dinner – Cappella Nova provided musical entertainment.
- Inaugural Dinner – John Kroger, attorney general of Oregon, spoke at the dinner.
- Inaugural Dinner – Ruth Keller and Jane Atkinson, vice president and provost.
- Inaugural Dinner – Lewis & Clark’s Cappella Nova performs at the inaugural dinner.
- Academic Symposium —The Future of Higher Education: Myth vs. Reality – President Glassner hosted scholars from Lewis & Clark, Northwestern University, Pitzer College, and the University of Southern California for an intriguing conversation about the future of higher education. President Glassner moderated the six-person panel.
- Academic Symposium —The Future of Higher Education: Myth vs. Reality – Hilary Schor, professor of English, comparative literature, and law at the University of Southern California.
- Academic Symposium —The Future of Higher Education: Myth vs. Reality – Morton Schapiro, president of Northwestern University, with Greta Binford, associate professor of biology at the college, and Mollie Galloway, assistant professor of educational leadership at the graduate school.
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L&C Magazine
Lewis & Clark
615 S. Palatine Hill Road
Portland OR 97219