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Fall 2015

Featured Stories

Fall-2015, Feature

Return. Reflect. Reconnect.

Lewis & Clark Law School celebrates 100 years of excellence in legal education.
Fall-2015, Feature, outcomes, send-to-college

Character Builder

Actor Usman Ally transforms scholarly insight into compelling characters.
Fall-2015, Feature, outcomes
Bob Fitch BS '61, a noted photographer, has documented some of America's greatest 20th-century human rights campaigns.

Preacher and Doc

Bob Fitch BS ’61, a noted photographer, has documented some of America’s greatest 20th-century human rights campaigns.

Message from the President

Fall-2015, President's Letter

Individual Action, Collective Wisdom

Portland flies its DIY flag proudly, but even in our city Do It Yourself does not mean Do It Alone.

On Palatine Hill

Fall-2015, on palatine hill

A Passion for Math and Chinese Drives Ratte Award Winner

Katie Keith, a mathematics major and a Chinese minor, received this spring’s Rena J. Ratte Award, the undergraduate college’shighest honor. A native of Bozeman, Montana, Keith embodies the award’s criteria of “a graduating senior who has pursued and achieved the utmost in excellence while attending Lewis & Clark.”

Fall-2015, on palatine hill

Exploring Careers in Munich

Part of Ralf Saborrosch’s job with Lewis & Clark’s yearlong Munich program is helping students secure internships and work during their time in Germany.
athletics, Fall-2015, on palatine hill

Homecoming: Focus on Football

Each year the Lewis & Clark community joins together to cheer on the Pioneers.
Fall-2015, on palatine hill

Theatre Prof, Law Prof Named Top Teachers

Each year, students from the College of Arts and Sciences and Lewis & Clark Law School reflect on the extraordinary teaching of their respective professors and select one for top teaching honors.
Fall-2015, on palatine hill

Alan Finn Named CFO

Alan Finn will become Lewis & Clark’s new vice president for business and finance and treasurer on October 1.
Fall-2015, on palatine hill

Congratulations, Graduates of 2015

“I believe there’s not a college in America that is more appropriately named for all the searches that we prize, that we love. You’re here, at Lewis & Clark, arguably, the quintessence of what works in American education … small liberal arts colleges. You all chose right!”

—Ron Suskind

buzz, Fall-2015, on palatine hill


A miscellany of the new, the intriguing, and the obscure.
Fall-2015, on palatine hill

New Home, New Leader for Career Center

This fall, Lewis & Clark opened its new Career Center with a new leader at the helm.
Fall-2015, on palatine hill
Scott Dubchansky

Board Updates

In May, Lewis & Clark’s Board of Trustees announced a new board chair and a new board member.

Leadership and Support

Fall-2015, leadership

Philanthropy Leadership Dinner

More than 200 guests gathered to celebrate members of the Leadership Society, Heritage Society, and Elliott Circle.
Fall-2015, leadership

Scholarship Luncheon

More than 160 donors, students, faculty, and staff gathered for the annual Scholarship Recognition Luncheon.
Fall-2015, leadership

On the Road President Visits Iceland

In July, President Barry Glassner and his wife, Betsy Amster, traveled to Reykjavik, Iceland.
Fall-2015, leadership

Turning Knowledge Into Action: Internships as a Rite of Passage

On behalf of his fellow graduates, Yash Desai noted that their new degrees put them in position “to create the most value not just for ourselves but for others, in whatever we do.”

Alumni News

alumni news, Fall-2015

Alumni Weekend 2015 Sizzles

Nearly 1,000 alumni, friends, and family braved Portland’s record-breaking heat to attend Alumni Weekend.

alumni news, Fall-2015

Class Notes, Fall 2015

 This edition of Class Notes includes submissions through June 15, 2015.


Class Notes, Fall-2015, outcomes, Profile

The Book Keeper

Natalie Garyet BA ’10 marries her passion for poetry with her devotion to cultural conservation.
Class Notes, Fall-2015, Profile

New Hampshire’s School Psychologist of the Year

Kate Grieve Ed.S. ’09 champions the academic, mental, and emotional health of students from preschool through high school.


Socio-Emotional Relationship Therapy: Bridging Emotion, Societal Context, and Couple Interaction

Carmen Knudson-Martin, professor of counselling psychology, pens a guide for clinical work with troubled couples. Designed for practitioners, it integrates real-world knowledge of the intersections of gender, culture, power, and identity in relationships with empirical findings on the neurology of attraction. 

Springer, 2015. 153 pages. 

Potsherds of Peace: Poems, Prose, and Philology

Allen Reed JD ’74 publishes a second book of his personal writings, organized around the idea of peace. 

Self-published, 2014. 131 pages. 

The Book of Nonsense

(Forbidden Books Series, Volume 1)

David Michael Slater MAT ’94 writes a young-adult novel about Dexter and Daphna Wax, who work to unravel the secrets of The Book of Nonsense and discover the truth about their own extraordinary destiny. 

Zharmae, 2015. 208 pages. 

Baby’s on Fire

Liz Prato BA ’89 presents Baby’s on Fire, a collection of 12 stories set in the West with strong female protagonists who are trying to find their way in a world where their ties of  intimacy are damaged and broken. 

Becoming Oregon: From Expedition to Exposition

Robert Hamm BA ’70, MAT ’74 shares 150 newspaper accounts, mostly from the East Coast, which featured stories about Oregon during the 100 years between the Lewis & Clark Expedition (1804-06) and the Lewis and Clark Exposition (1905). 

Mossy Brae Press, 2015. 565 pages. 

Fixing the Books: Secrecy, Literacy, and the Perfectibility in Indigenous New Mexico

(Resident scholar series)

Erin Debenport BA ’94 presents the research she conducted on an indigenous language literacy effort within a New Mexico Pueblo community, and the potential of that literacy to compromise Pueblo secrecy. 

School for Advanced Research press, 2015. 174 pages. 

A Battle of Lake Champlain: A “Brilliant and Extraordinary Victory”

(Campaigns and Commanders Series) 

John Schroeder BA ’65, professor emeritus of history at the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, recounts the War of 1812’s early years, the failed U.S. invasions of Canada in 1812 and 1813, and the ensuring naval race for control of Lake Champlain in 1814. University of Oklahoma Press, 2015. 184 pages. 

College Calculus: A One-Term Course for Students with Previous Calculus Experience

Roger Nelson, professor emeritus of mathematics, coauthors a text that provides students with a solid foundation in single-variable calculus and prepares them for the next course in college-level mathematics. 

Mathematical Association of America, 2015. 388 pages. 

Puffy & Blue: The Chronicles of Nine Lives Together

Kayla Fioravanti BA ’09 chronicles the uplifting true story of the deep friendship between a cat and her girl that spans three countries. one of the chapters talks about Fioravanti’s experiences at Lewis & Clark and her overseas study program to Ireland. 

Selah press, 2015. 164 pages. 

Mosaic Garden Projects

Mark Brody BA ’87 offers a primer on the fundamentals of mosaic along with step-by-step instructions for the creation of 25 decorative yet functional projects. 

Timber Press, 2015. 256 pages. 

In Memoriam

Fall-2015, In Memoriam

Friends of Lewis & Clark Remembered

Honoring alumni, faculty, staff, and friends who have recently passed.


Preacher and Doc

Preacher and Doc

Photos and captions courtesy of Special Collections, Stanford University Libraries.
Philanthropy Dinner

Philanthropy Dinner

Photos by Brian Foulkes 
Scholarship Luncheon

Scholarship Luncheon

Photos by Brian Foulkes