main content Congratulations, Graduates of 2015
“I believe there’s not a college in America that is more appropriately named for all the searches that we prize, that we love. You’re here, at Lewis & Clark, arguably, the quintessence of what works in American education … small liberal arts colleges. You all chose right!”
—Ron Suskind
“I believe there’s not a college in America that is more appropriately named for all the searches that we prize, that we love. You’re here, at Lewis & Clark, arguably, the quintessence of what works in American education … small liberal arts colleges. You all chose right!”—Ron Suskind
Guest speaker: Ron Suskind, a Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist, began his career at the Wall Street Journal in 1990 and then became senior national affairs reporter in 1993. Since leaving the Wall Street Journal in 2000, he has written articles for the New York Times Magazine and Esquire. Among the subjects of these articles was the George W. Bush administration, which led to a series of books on the inner workings of the White House in both the Bush and Obama administrations. His most recent book, Life, Animated (Kingswell, 2014), is a memoir of 20 years of life with his son Owen, who was diagnosed with autism at age 3.
School of Law
Commencement: May 23
Degrees awarded: JD; LLM in Animal Law; LLM in Environmental and Natural Resources Law; M.S. in Environmental and Natural Resources Law
Number of graduates: 217
Guest speaker: The slated speaker, Heidi Heitkamp JD ’80, U.S. senator from North Dakota, could not attend due to latebreaking Senate proceedings. Jennifer Johnson, Erskine Wood Sr.
Professor of Law and dean of the law school, delivered the commencement address.
Graduate School of Education and Counseling
Commencement: June 7
Degrees awarded: Ed.D. in Leadership, Ed.S. in School Psychology, Ed.S. in Administration, MEd, MAT, and master’s degrees in marriage, couple and family therapy; professional mental health counseling; and professional mental health counseling-addictions.
Number of graduates: 233
Guest speaker: Christine Sleeter is professor emerita in the College of Professional Studies at California State University at Monterey Bay, where she was a founding faculty member. Her research focuses on antiracist multicultural education and teacher education. An award-wining scholar, she has published more than 100 articles in journals such as Educational Researcher, Multicultural Review, Urban Education, and Teaching and Teacher Education. She recently completed her first novel, White Bread (Sense Publishers, 2015).
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