On sabbatical fall semester 2024 and spring semester 2025.

Linda Griffin 2019

Linda Griffin

Associate Professor

Rogers Hall 415, MSC: 14

Linda Griffin has been a mathematics educator serving K-12 students, teachers, and the broader education community for over 35 years. Her career began as a classroom teacher at the middle and high school level in Tucson, Arizona. Following her classroom experience, she worked at the University of Arizona on a series of mathematics education projects funded by the National Science Foundation. Linda also served as the director of the Mathematics Education Unit at Education Northwest, in Portland, Oregon.

Here at Lewis & Clark, Linda brings a strong equity focus to her work in preservice elementary mathematics and clinical practices. Her recent research includes work in culturally responsive supervision and dialogic teaching in mathematics.

Her dissertation research examined the effect of a middle school instructional enrichment program on the attitudes of female students towards mathematics and technology. She has experience designing and implementing extracurricular activities in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics for Native American and Mexican-American girls. She has also worked with parents to increase their involvement in mathematics. Linda has provided professional development for mathematics teachers with a focus on the needs of English language learners.

As a faculty member at Lewis & Clark’s Graduate School, Linda is dedicated to improving mathematics education by providing rich and challenging instructional experiences for pre-service elementary teachers.

Personal Statement

“Teaching mathematics well is a complex endeavor, and there are no easy recipes for helping all students learn or for helping all teachers become effective. …To be effective, teachers must know and understand deeply the mathematics they are teaching and be able to draw on that knowledge with flexibility in their teaching tasks. They need to understand and be committed to their students as learners of mathematics and as human beings and be skillful in choosing from and using a variety of pedagogical and assessment strategies.” (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2000)

Areas of Expertise

K-12 Mathematics, Reform in K-12 Mathematics Education, Equity in Mathematics Education, Learning Progressions in Mathematics, Early Childhood Mathematics, English Language Learners and Mathematics, Culturally Responsive Supervision.



Shrewsbury, T., Dykeman, C., Griffin, L. (under review) “The impact of expressive writing on math anxiety in preservice school teachers.” Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education. https://osf.io/fycew/


Griffin, L. (2019) “Additive problem types: Want to help your K-2 students become powerful problem solvers? Start with the 12 additive problem types.” The Oregon Mathematics Teacher. Nov/Dec, 2019: 34-36.


Griffin, L. (2019) “Teaching for equity and social justice in our K-2 math classrooms.” The Oregon Mathematics Teacher. Sept/Oct, 2019: 35-37.


Griffin, L., & McMahon, A. (2019) “Overcoming obstacles in estimation instruction.” The Oregon Mathematics Teacher. May/June, 2019: 22-26.


Liggett, T., Watson, D., & Griffin, L. (2017) “Language use and racial redirect in the educational landscape of ‘just good teaching.’” Teaching Education, 28 (4), 393-405.


Griffin, L., Watson, D., & Liggett, T. (2016) “‘I Didn’t See it as a Cultural Thing’: Student Teacher Supervisors Define Culturally Responsive Supervision.” Democracy and Education, 24(1).


Griffin, L. (2016) “Tackling Decimal Misconceptions: Strategic Instructional Choices.” Teaching Children Mathematics, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 22(8).


Griffin, L. (2015). “How Do How Do We Improve Elementary Math Education? It Starts in High School.” The Source. AdvancEd, Spring, 2015. http://www.advanc-ed.org/source/how-do-we-improve-elementary-math-education-it-starts-high-school


Griffin, L. & Ward, D. (2014/2015). “Teachable Moments in Math” Educational Leadership.72(4): 34-40.


Griffin, L. & Allen, K. (2014) “Hidden Benefits of On-Line Pre-Assessment.” The Oregon Mathematics Teacher. May/June, 2014: 11-13.


Griffin, L. (2013). “Like a window: What do elementary preservice teachers gain from the experience of conducting mathematics clinical interviews?” The Oregon Mathematics Teacher. September/October, 2013: 13-15.


Griffin, L. & Barton, R. (2010). “Sharing success: Video study groups focus on ELL learning.” AccELLerate! The quarterly newsletter of the National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition 2(3): 7.


Griffin, L. & Barton R. (2009). “Improving mathematics instruction for ELL students.” NCSM Journal of Mathematics Education Leadership 11(1): 21-24.


Stepanek, J., Gates, C., Griffin, L., & Leong, M. (2006). “I really can do math! Developing mathematical skills in elementary students.” The Tutor. Retrieved December 10, 2009, from http://legacy.nationalserviceresources.org/learns/tutor/spr2006/spr2006.pdf


Griffin, L. (1997). “Follow the Pattern.” It’s about T. I. M. E.: Technology in Mathematics Education. 9(1): 1, 4-7.


Stepanek, J., Leong, M., Griffin, L., & Lavelle, L. (2011). Teaching by design in elementary mathematics: Grades K-1. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.


Stepanek, J., Leong, M., Griffin, L., & Lavelle, L. (2011). Teaching by design in elementary mathematics: Grades 2-3. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.


Stepanek, J., Leong, M., Griffin, L., & Lavelle, L. (2011). Teaching by design in elementary mathematics: Grades 4-5. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.


Griffin, L., & DeMoss, G. (1998). Problem of the week: A fresh approach to problem solving (Grade 6). Grand Rapids, MI: Instructional Fair/TS Denison.


Griffin, L., & DeMoss, G. (1998). Problem of the week: A fresh approach to problem solving (Grade 7). Grand Rapids, MI: Instructional Fair/TS Denison.


Griffin, L., & DeMoss, G. (1998). Problem of the week: A fresh approach to problem solving (Grade 8). Grand Rapids, MI: Instructional Fair/TS Denison.

Griffin, L., & DeMoss, G. (1998). What are my chances? Exploring the laws of probability. Grand Rapids, MI: Instructional Fair/TS Denison.


Selected presentations:

Civil M. & Griffin, L. (March 2020) “Parents as partners in the mathematics education of bilingual learners.” Invited session at 2019 Leadership Seminar on Mathematics Professional Development, annual meeting sponsored by Teachers Development Group, Portland, OR


Griffin, L., Watson, D., & Liggett, T. (April 2015) I Didn’t See it as a Cultural Thing”: Student Teacher Supervisors Define Culturally Responsive Supervision.” Session for AERA Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.


Griffin, L. & Polzin, A. (2013, November). Promoting success in high school mathematics for English language learners. Invited webinar presentation given for Jobs for the Future: Education for Economic Opportunity. Archived at http://www.jff.org/


Griffin, L. (2013, June). Assessment and Common Core State Standards in kindergarten. Webinar presentation given for Plainfield, New Jersey School District. Archived at http://www.educationnorthwest.org


Griffin, L. & Deussen, T. (2010, May). Improving math instruction for ELLs. Webinar presentation given for the National Clearinghouse for English Acquisition (NCELA). Archived at http://www.ncela.gwu.edu/webinars/event/22/


Griffin, L. (2010, April). Assessing mathematical understanding: Using one-on-one mathematics interviews with grades K–2 students. Presentation given at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Meeting and Exposition, San Diego, CA.


Griffin, L. (2010, April). Assessing mathematical understanding: Using one-on-one mathematics interviews with grades K–2 students. Presentation given at the National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics Annual Conference, San Diego, CA.

Griffin, L. (2010, April). Supporting English language learners in mathematics. Presentation given at the National Association of State Migrant Education Directors meeting, Anaheim, CA.

Academic Credentials

EdD 2006 Northern Arizona University, MA 1994 University of Arizona, BA 1981 University of California, Davis

Location: Rogers Hall