main content Maika Yeigh
Associate Professor, Secondary Program Director
Maika Yeigh joins the graduate school from Portland State University as an Associate Professor. Two passions feed her work as a teacher educator: Preparing teachers who are ready to meet the needs of learners in the Language Arts classroom, and the improvement of clinical preparation practices for novice teachers. The interwoven theoretical framing that ties her work together is that strong practitioner research relies on creating connections to local classrooms and the larger educational field. Yeigh frequently spends time in classrooms in schools across the Portland-metro area, building and maintaining relationships with teachers, administrators, and other school stakeholders.
Yeigh is also a member of the editorial board of the Northwest Journal of Teacher Education (NWJTE) and will bring the journal to Lewis & Clark College. NWJTE is committed to supporting emerging scholars, pre-tenured professionals, and scholars of color, including through themed issues that focus on teaching during the pandemic, Anti Blackness, and curriculum epistemicide.
Academic Credentials
Doctor of Education
Teaching is located in room 402 of Rogers Hall on the Graduate Campus.
MSC: 14
email lcteach@lclark.edu
voice 503-768-6104
fax 503-768-6115
Teaching, School Counseling, and Leadership Studies
Mollie Galloway
Elementary Program Director
Laura Barbour
Secondary Program Director
Maika Yeigh
Cari Zall (summer term)
Administrative Specialist
Shanta Calem
Lewis & Clark
615 S. Palatine Hill Road
Portland OR 97219