Mt. Hood Snowshoe Day Trip

Trips to be scheduled.

Snowshoe on the snow covered trails around Oregon’s tallest volcano! Weather permitting, we’ll head up to one of the many amazing snow-covered trails on the east side of Mt. Hood, where we’ll snowshoe through snow-capped trees to get a magnificent view of the mountain.This trip is a great way to explore the snowy mountain you can see from campus by escaping to this beautiful winter wonderland. No experience required!

How to Register

Registration Opens:

Friday, December 6, 2024 for #1 and #2

Friday, January 24, 2025 for #3

Friday, January 31, 2025 for #4

Trip Fee: $45 / $22*

*We have a limited amount of scholarships available based on financial need. If you qualify, the trip fee is cut in half thanks to scholarship funding from ASB. We accept cash, checks, credit/debit cards, and apple/samsung/google pay. 

How to Sign Up:

To register for a trip, stop by the College Outdoors office in Fowler 239. We’re open Mon - Thurs 9am-5pm, and Fridays 9am-3pm.

Registration is all first paid first serve.

Trip Type

  • Day Trip
  • Snowshoeing

Physical Demands

No experience necessary! This trip is a great option for anyone who wants to see some of Oregon’s natural wonders during the winter, but may or may not have any experience in the outdoors. We’ll plan to hike for 2-4 hours, with plenty of time to take in the snowy scenery and admire Mt. Hood’s beauty.

Participants should be prepared to spend several hours outdoors walking on uneven an snowy terrain carrying day packs. This trip can make accessibility accommodations as needed. Contact

What to Expect

  • Sleeping indoors
  • Sleeping outdoors
  • Electricity
  • Wifi
  • Cell phone service
  • Heating
  • Beds
  • Bathrooms
  • Gender-inclusive bathrooms
  • Showers
  • Wheelchair accessible
  • Food for any Dietary Restrictions


Pre-Trip Meeting

College Outdoors trips have a Pre-Trip Meeting (PTM) prior to the trip to help you prepare, which takes place at the Sequoia warehouse on the Graduate Campus.

At this meeting you’ll meet the trip leaders and other participants, learn more about the trip activity, location, and schedule, and be given a packing list of everything you need for your trip. The trip leaders and Sequoia staff will then help you find and borrow anything on the packing list that you’d like to borrow. We have high-quality outdoor clothing and equipment, and it’s all free to use for your trip!

If you miss a Pre-Trip Meeting, check your email for important info you missed. 

CO Policies

All trip participants and leaders are expected to follow CO policies, which can be found here. This document includes info on healthy practices, water/swimming policies, environmental safety, community standards, and leader responsibilities.

Sequoia Warehouse

Sequoia is the College Outdoors warehouse, located on the Graduate Campus. Everything you’ll need is available for free when you come on a College Outdoors Trip. At Sequoia you will find:

  • Clothing needed for your trip, including any relevant outerwear and specialty items needed for the activity. Sizes range from XS - XXL and come in gendered an non-gendered designs. 
  • Gear needed for your trip, such as sleeping bags, backpacks, water bottles, and much much more.
  • Equipment such as tents, cookware, first-aid kits, and boats, which trip leaders will pack for each trip as needed.
  • Gender-neutral bathrooms, which can also be used as changing rooms.
  • Staff available to answer your questions.