Births and Adoptions, Summer 2010
To Cheryl Morgen BS ’91 and husband Mike Morgen, daughter Danielle, in July 2009. She joined sisters Nicole, 8, and Rachel, 5.
To Jeffrey Tharsen BA ’96 and Laura Tharsen BA ’97, son Julian Michael Tharsen, December 27, 2009.
To Anne Bunn BA ’97 and Sam Thompson BA ’97, son Hayes, November 27, 2009. He joined sister Clare, 3.
To William Warnock JD ’03 and wife Ashley, of Charleston, South Carolina, son William Shapard Ashley Warnock, May 21, 2009.
To Celia Watson Benton BA ’04 and Cory Benton BA ’05, son Cyro Junior Benton, January 23.
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