October 25, 2024

Christian Larson

Community Law Division, Metropolitan Public Defender
Portland, Oregon

This summer, I had the pleasure of working with Metropolitan Public Defender’s Community Law Division assisting clients in reducing barriers imposed by interactions with the criminal legal system. When a person interacts with the criminal legal system, a number of collateral consequences can be imposed. These include barriers to employment or housing from a criminal record, fines and fees incurred that an individual may be unable to pay, or a driver’s license suspension that makes getting to and from work a challenge. As part of my responsibilities this summer, I helped clients by getting their fines and fees waived through letters and motions submitted to the courts, filing felony reduction and expungement motions to lessen the effects of a criminal record, and by helping folks navigate the complex bureaucracy to get their driver’s licenses reinstated.

Much of the work Community Law undertakes requires telling the life stories of their clients. Each client comes in with their own unique circumstances and experiences and many are facing challenges because of the collateral consequences that have been imposed upon them. My favorite part of this experience was being able to build these relationships with my clients in order to provide them with a voice within a system that traditionally excludes individuals who may be impoverished. I’ll never forget my first “win” and getting to call my client to tell them that their fines and fees had been waived, releasing them from debt that stood in the way of their recovery!

Community Law is made up of an amazing team of passionate and collaborative attorneys. I gained so much in the way of legal experience and mentorship, as well as confidence in my own ability to advocate for others. Without the PILP stipend, I would have been unable to pursue this opportunity, but because of this award, I was able to support myself and entrench my belief that I belong in Public Interest Law.