main content Class Notes, Spring 2022
This spring 2022 issue of Class Notes includes submissions through January 21, 2022.
Undergrad Class Correspondent: John Reitz BS ’48, BM “Please send me your news and updates!”
Undergrad Class Correspondent: Nancy Knudsen BA “Please send me your news and updates!”
Undergrad Class Correspondent: Carla Shafer BS “Welcome, Class of 1966! I am glad to set down my mandolin and poetry notebooks to look for stories from you. Our 60th reunion will be Alumni Weekend, June 23– 26, 2022. These notes should inspire. I look forward to seeing everyone then. Thanks to the contributors, and keep your updates coming!”
Bill Coggins BA writes: “COVID provided me with the opportunity to write 60 vignettes for my two adult daughters about noteworthy and traumatic occurrences in my life of which they were previously unaware. These memories included some events of my childhood, high school years, and college years; my Vietnam service; and my careers with the Secret Service and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. They were fascinated and amazed.”
Herbert “Chip” Delap BA has practiced law in Denver for almost 50 years. He plans on sliding into retirement in the very near future. He was elected to the Colorado Senior Golfers’ Association Hall of Fame in October 2021.
Alan Dwan BA writes: “I was a theatre major and started at L&C in Peru in 1962 in the college’s first overseas study program, where I met Laura Moore BA ’65. We got married in December 1966. We are still married (55 years). We have two kids and three grandkids. I am a retired audiovisual coordinator. In 2014, we sailed our boat to Fiji. Still here and loving it!” Bill Feltz BA, a music major at L&C, went on to become an ethnomusicologist and arts administrator at the East-West Center in Honolulu, focusing on Asia and the Pacific. He is now retired.
Judy Orem BS writes: “January to May was the highlight of 2021 for our granddaughter and us, and it was only because of COVID. Our church services moved to YouTube, so we had time to ride with our grand-daughter on Sundays as she learned to drive. She drove us all around Portland and beyond: to Sandy for doughnuts, to Multnomah Falls, over the St. John’s bridge, and to Newberg, Salem, McMinnville, and the Space Museum. It concluded with her driving me to the Oregon coast. Yes, she got her license.”
Pam Parfitt BA writes: “All is well here in Santa Fe, New Mexico, but the last two years have been anything but ‘exciting,’ so I imagine there are many of us who canceled trips and family gatherings, and didn’t attend conferences or move forward with projects previously planned. I am just happy to be healthy with nearby kids, grandkids, and friends who are vaccinated and who can go skiing and snow-shoeing together, play golf, and cycle.”
Dorothy Thomson Dixon BA writes: “My husband and I have lived in Melbourne, Australia, since 1972. Gale taught cultural geography at Monash University. I taught special education. One of our daughters lives in Newcastle, and the other one is home from working and studying at PSU due to COVID. Now retired, pre-COVID, we took off-road camping vacations to sight birds and visit remote places in the Australian outback. We look forward to these trips again and to summers in Tigard, Oregon. Visitors are always welcome.”
Patty Francy BA, a Lewis & Clark trustee, was honored for 30 years of service with JA Worldwide, an NGO that focuses on helping youths with employment and entrepreneurship. Francy is a supporter, director, generous donor, and contributor to a number of organizations, including the Children’s Tumor Foundation, the Guttman Breast Diagnostic Institute, and Outward Bound USA. She is the inaugural recipient of JA Worldwide’s JA Legacy of Leadership Award, which was created in her honor.
David Shilling BA and Marvina Shilling BA enjoyed a visit with Terry Shinn BA in Paris in September 2021. David, previously director of nuclear safety, security, and NATO nuclear policy at the Office of the Secretary of Defense, has been retired since 2005. Marvina is retired from running Intercultural Management Training & Consulting. The couple visits France every summer.
Terry Shinn BA is director of research at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique in Paris. Every summer, he visits with friends David Shilling BA and Marvina Shilling BA while they are in France on vacation.
Undergrad Class Correspondent: Marilyn Lane BA “Please send me your news and updates!”
Undergrad Class Correspondent: David Grube BA “Please send me your news and updates!”
David Grube BA retired in December 2021 as the national medical director for Compassion & Choices. At this nonprofit, he educated physicians and citizens about end-of-life options and care. Grube previously devoted more than 35 years to practicing family medicine in Philomath, Oregon. He and his wife, Lynn, live in Corvallis, Oregon, and sing in a threshold choir and in the Chancel Choir of the First Presbyterian Church.
Undergrad Class Correspondent: Rand Dawson BS “Greetings, ‘Summer of Love’ classmates. During 2022, I will make ‘fully masked’ attempts to reach out for your Class Notes submissions. You can also email me at the address above or call me at 541-997-3950.”
Steve Erickson BA served two years in the Peace Corps in Costa Rica. After returning to his hometown of Roseburg, Oregon, he cofounded a cooperative vegetarian restaurant and decided to stay in the Umpqua Valley. Over the years, he has worked in reforestation, fire suppression, carpentry, wilderness guiding, and the local wine industry. Erickson recently retired from a 25-year career with Legal Aid Services of Oregon, where he managed intake services for more than 1,000 prospective clients each year. He enjoys organic gardening when he’s not pursuing his musical interests of accordion and improvised piano.
David Poulshock BS, former student body president and Portland advertising and media film producer, submitted a major film documentary to the Sundance Film Festival in September 2021. He started the project in 2014, and a week before the submission deadline, he came down with COVID-19 during final editing. “After two years in this pandemic time-warp hell, I needed a deadline. It worked. I finally know how the film ends!” The focus of the film is a commercial landlord’s journey of life, death, and rebirth while fighting to make a space for artists.
Dave Paull BA writes: “My article about Mrs. Hermine Decker, a beloved stage director and drama coach, was published in the Clark County Washington History 2021 yearbook. The article tells of her devotion to founding the Slocum House Theatre Company in Vancouver, which had a 46-year run.”
Ken Cuno BA retired in June 2021 after 31 years of teaching Middle East history at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His book Modernizing Marriage: Family, Ideology, and Law in Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Century Egypt (Syracuse, 2015) was awarded the Albert Hourani Book Award by the Middle East Studies Association.
Sherry Smith JD, currently president of the League of Women Voters of the Bay Area, was selected as one of 13 Berkeley citizens who comprise the Independent Redistricting Commission charged with drawing new city district borders after the 2020 census.
Undergrad Class Correspondent: Jerry Miller BS “Please send me your news and updates!”
Undergrad Class Correspondent: Susan Bennett Olson BA “Please send me your news and updates!”
Undergrad Class Correspondent: Ken Goe BA “Please send me your news and updates!”
Anne McEnerny-Ogle MAT was reelected mayor of Vancouver, Washington, in November 2021. Her plans for the city’s future include expansion of public transit and support of impending population growth in the region.
Undergrad Class Correspondent: Ginger Baehr-Harville BA “Please send me your news and updates!”
Julia Duin BA is a contributing editor at Newsweek. Her latest book, Finding Joy: A Mongolian Woman’s Journey to Christ, is about activist Yanjmaa Jutmaan (See also “Bookshelf,” page 33.) Duin spent three weeks in Mongolia in summer 2019 researching the book.
Ronald Marks BS was selected as a nonresident senior fellow by the internationally recognized Washington, D.C., think tank Atlantic Council. Working with its Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, Marks will be providing expert commentary and expertise on issues such as cybersecurity, intelligence, and defense policy.
Undergrad Class Correspondent: Kate Byrnes BA “Please send me your news and updates!”
Undergrad Class Correspondent: Kathleen Holder BA “Thanks to everyone who sent me updates. I hope to hear from other classmates soon about what they’ve been up to.” Ken Brown BS, in pursuit of a long-held dream, successfully completed his first semester as an evening student at Lewis & Clark Law School in December 2021. He says: “It’s definitely a late career change, but I hope to be able to do more good than software engineering has permitted.”
Marcus Hadeed BS retired from the U.S. Air Force in 2015 after 30 years of active duty. He has taught Air Force ROTC at a high school in Austin, Texas; worked as a purchasing agent for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at the Bonneville Dam in the Columbia River Gorge; and, since November 2019, has served as an office manager for the U.S. Missile Defense Agency in Tel Aviv, Israel. Hadeed hopes to return to Oregon next year to resume his position with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
Hans Holznagel BA, after an eight-year journey with two Cleveland nonprofits, has returned to what he used to do: news writing. He’s working in Cleveland for the national ministries of the United Church of Christ, where he previously held various roles over 27 years. He and his wife, Kathyrn Harlow, have two adult children: Clifton, a Portland actor, and Alyssa, a Cleveland social worker.
Dave Ludwig BS retired in 2021 from a career that included software development as well as project, program, and portfolio management across several large technology companies. Ludwig, who lives in Round Rock, Texas, has been married for 36 years, has two grown children, and is looking forward to visiting with folks at his class reunion this summer. With regard to the pandemic-related postponements of Alumni Weekend, he asks: “Third try’s a charm?”
Phil Moran BA was one of 11 L&C alumni who joined a rafting group that ran the wild Salmon River in six days in August 2021. The group traveled 82 miles through the Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness. Moran reports: “There were no flips through the many Idaho class IVs!”
David Olsen BS is in the second year of a doctoral program in medieval history, with a focus on Spain and the Islamic Mediterranean, at Saint Louis University. He retired after serving 35 years in a variety of corporate positions (international business, sales and marketing, chief revenue officer) with start-ups and Fortune 500 companies. Those gigs took him to several countries in Latin America, South Africa, Asia, and Europe. Olsen says his interest in medieval history goes back to the six months he spent in Spain after graduating from L&C.
Chris Roberts BA recalls one of his fondest L&C memories from spring 1978: “I was playing piano (poorly) in the jazz band ensemble, and my roommate suggested a small version of the group could get paying gigs. The LC Sextet was born—Dan Balmer BA, Jason Heald BS, Michael Brockman BM ’79, Grant Herreid BM ’79, Mark Goodenberger BM ’81, and me. We started playing in various venues, both on and off campus. The money was good, and the camaraderie was wonderful. All of us have gone on to very different, but very successful, careers in music, helped along by innocent experiences like these.”
Eben Shapiro BS became a contributing editor to Time magazine in fall 2021, allowing him more time to spend on his own writing. He previously was Time’s deputy editor and, before that, global arts editor for the Wall Street Journal. He and his wife divide their time between the Hudson Valley and New York City and are looking forward to their daughter’s wedding in July 2022 in Marin County, California.
Undergrad Class Correspondent: Lisa Dodson BA “Please send me your news and updates!”
Kristin Lee BA joined the board of directors of the Cheyenne (Wyoming) Housing Authority, a low-income housing advocacy group.
Philip Schiliro JD was named a senior presidential fellow for the Peter S. Kalikow Center for the Study of the American Presidency at Hofstra University. Schiliro, a member of President Barack Obama’s administration, will teach classes, meet with students, and participate in university events, as well as expand the Kalikow Center’s scholarly record on the American presidency. His appointment comes as planning gets under way for Hofstra’s 13th presidential conference, slated for April 2023, which aims to analyze Obama’s campaigns, political leadership, policy agenda, and legacy. Schiliro has more than 30 years of experience in Congress and the executive branch. Since leaving government, he has cofounded two nonprofits, Co-Equal and Grow New Mexico.
Amy Holm BA is the director of the Climate Registry, a nonprofit working to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to combat climate change.
Undergrad Class Correspondent: Norma Kop BA “Please send me your news and updates!”
Scott Erik Asphaug JD was appointed to serve as U.S. attorney for the District of Oregon in an interim capacity, effective December 25, 2021. A 16-year veteran of the Department of Justice, he has held several leadership positions in the district.
Paula Roberts BA is president of the Riverside Gallery art cooperative in South Bend, Washington. She and her husband, Dai, hope to grow a larger community around art in the area.
Elizabeth Winzeler BA, a microbiologist, professor, and researcher at the University of California at San Diego, was inducted into the National Academy of Medicine in October 2021. Winzeler is the author of more than 200 scientific papers and has made significant contributions to the field of antimalarial drugs. She holds a doctorate in developmental biology from Stanford University.
Undergrad Class Correspondent: Sarah Marin BA “Please send me your news and updates!”
Marcia Buckley BS, JD ’91 took the bench as a Lincoln County, Oregon circuit court judge in February 2020. Prior to becoming a judge, Buckley practiced law in Lincoln County for 27 years. She lives in Newport, Oregon, with her husband, Mike Wheeler, and her daughter, Sharon.
Undergrad Class Correspondent: Kimberly Crofcheck BA “Please send me your news and updates!”
Marco Abbruzzese BA joined Bank of Hawai‘i as vice chair and senior executive director of wealth management in January 2022. Vernellia Randall JD, professor emerita of law at the University of Dayton, was recognized by the Society of American Law Teachers with the 2022 Great Teacher Award.
Undergrad Class Correspondents: Sydney Dickerson BA, MEd ’89 Teresa Pacelli BS “Please send us your news and updates!”
Nel LaRock MEd spoke at a September 2021 event hosted by the American Association of University Women about her work as a children’s book author and her attention to mental health issues in her writing.
Undergrad Class Correspondent: Andrea Ball BA “Greetings, Class of ’89! As your class correspondent, I’m always looking for stories about what you’ve been up to since we left campus all those years ago. Feel free to drop me a line at any time. Hope to hear from you soon!”
Vanessa Ivey BS writes: “I’ve lived in Bend, Oregon, for 23 years, and I am the museum manager for the Deschutes County Historical Society and Museum. I continue to love the outdoors. From November to April, I participate in Feeder-Watch [a bird-counting project] for Cornell University in New York.”
Cheryll Miller BS, who previously worked as executive assistant to the vice president for admissions and financial aid at Lewis & Clark, began a new position as executive assistant to the CEO at EL Education in Amherst, Massachusetts, in February 2022.
Heidi Supple BA writes: “I am currently the corporate counsel/CFO for a restaurant and brewery group in Wisconsin that I own with my husband and his brother and wife. Life has definitely thrown us a few curveballs these past few years, but we continue to thrive and support our incredible staff. When not working, we are following our daughter, who plays Division I softball for Northwestern University.”
Joseph Durham JD has been recognized in the 2022 edition of Best Lawyers in America (Environmental Law).
Ana Cutter Patel BS was appointed by the international human rights advocacy group Front Line Defenders as its U.S. representative. Previously, Patel served as executive director of the Outward Bound Center for Peacebuilding and as Rotary International’s representative to U.N. Women. She holds a master’s degree in international affairs from Columbia University.
Justine Makoff BA is president of Free Rein Foundation, a horse rescue and equine therapy organization that offers free access to classes and programs to underprivileged children in the Los Angeles area. Recently, Makoff has been working on WISHLY, a social media platform designed to connect members of Gen Z with nonprofit organizations based in their own communities.
Undergrad Class Correspondent: Laura Mundt BA “Dear Class of ’91, please reserve June 23–26, 2022, for our delayed 30-year graduation reunion! Hope to see you all there! In the meantime, feel free to send me any updates.”
Cheryll Longfellow Morgen BS was unexpectedly pressed into teaching middle school science, and she’s found it to be an interesting and eye-opening experience, especially the last two years. She and her husband, Mike, have lived in Bend, Oregon, for 18 years, raising three daughters (ages 19, 17, and 12). She’s still hoping that one daughter will attend L&C. In 2019, Morgen and her family were lucky enough to meet up with Debbie Heim BS and her family in Zion National Park.
Rosie McLaughlin BA lives in New York’s Hudson Valley with her partner and his child. She works in private practice as a psychotherapist.
Eric Taussig BA and his wife, Vithamon, live in Lake Oswego, Oregon, with their three kids: twins Ben and Sophie (age 13) and Maddie (age 7). Their company, Prialto (, just moved into a new office space in the Studio Building next to Director Park in downtown Portland. Taussig says he would love to host any former classmates there for lunch. Prialto recently won an Oregon Top Workplaces award from the Oregonian for the second year running. It also made the list of fastest-growing private companies in the United States by Inc. magazine. Taussig recently wrote an article on COVID-19’s effects on call center workers, which was featured in Wharton Magazine.
Charles Sanderson BA is one of 15 inaugural Vocal Justice Teacher Fellows from across the country. Vocal Justice strives to empower undervalued Black and Brown youth to become socially conscious leaders by teaching them how to communicate authentically and persuasively about social justice issues. To learn more, visit
Undergrad Class Correspondent: Edgard Garcia BA “Please send me your news and updates!”
Craig Coss BS ’92 lives in Petaluma, California, with his wife, Michelle, and their cat, Mystery. He teaches drawing and painting courses at the College of Marin in Kentfield and cofacilitates an antiracism action group at the college. For the past several years, he has also performed with an international storytelling ensemble called Artship.
Ruthe Farmer BA ’92 was named a Schmidt Futures Innovation Fellow in October 2021. She is the founder and CEO of the Last Mile Education Fund, which supports degree completion for low-income students in tech and engineering. Farmer has been a leader in promoting inclusion in tech for more than 20 years, working with CSforAll, the National Center for Women & Information Technology, and the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy.
Edgard Garcia BA continues to serve as a member of L&C’s Board of Alumni as well as a member of the Portland and Southwest Washington Alumni Chapter. Garcia owns EAG Language Services, where he promotes clear communication in Spanish for workers all over Oregon. As the corporate translator at SAIF, he translates agricultural safety training for the Spanish-preferring workforce of Oregon. He lives in Lake Oswego with his son, Evan, a potential future Pioneer soccer player.
Lori Hoff BA is still living in Brussels, where she owns a German and Dutch translation company. She’s been doing a lot of pharmaceutical translation recently. She is getting married this year and enjoys traveling throughout Europe.
Franz Junga BA lives in Sammamish, Washington, with wife Robbie and daughter Madelyn. He works as executive chef of Cafe Flora, one of the original vegetarian restaurants in Seattle. He enjoys mountain biking, disc golf, and hiking in the Northwest with his family. Robbie is a head teacher at an early childhood education center, and Madelyn enjoys art and writing.
Kiersten Lawson BA celebrated her 26th year at WE Communications in August 2021. As editorial director, she coleads the agency’s creative team, guiding content creation for clients across the technology, health care, and consumer industries. She lives in Southwest Portland and “ratchets up her enthusiasm higher than her fear,” as film director Jane Campion phrases it, through nature, travel, arts, and community volunteering.
Tricia Melnik BA writes: “After getting my certificate to teach English as a foreign language in 2019, I made it my goal to leave the nonprofit world and move to Prague. I am now living my dream! I teach adults at a language school here as well as many private students online from all over the world (especially Russian speakers). Moving to Prague was the best decision I ever made!”
Ted Sawyer BA is director of research and education at Bullseye Glass Company in Portland. He can be seen in Holy Frit (, an award-winning documentary film about the making of the largest stained glass window of its type in the world, located at the United Methodist Church of the Resurrection in Leawood, Kansas.
Undergrad Class Correspondent: Marcye Mokler BA “Please send me your news and updates!”
Cliff Villa JD is now a full professor at the University of New Mexico School of Law, where he teaches courses in constitutional law and environmental law and also supervises student attorneys in the UNM Natural Resources and Environmental Law Clinic. In addition to writing several recent articles in the area of environmental justice, Villa is the lead author of a recent book, Environmental Justice: Law, Policy & Regulation (3rd ed. 2020). He also serves on the board of directors for the Western Environmental Law Center.
Greg Carlson BA moved to Chehalis, Washington, with his wife and two dogs in summer 2021. In January 2022, he started a new position at Callan Advertising, an agency that specializes in independent motion pictures and streaming content. “All those years watching movies in Templeton Campus Center paid off!” says Carlson.
Adam Bradley BA was published in T: The New York Times Style Magazine in October 2021. His piece, titled “The Creative Collectives Finding Strength in Numbers,” discusses the growing influence of a new generation of Black artists’ collectives, and the particular importance of community and cooperative work to Black artists.
Debra Chase MAT, a teacher and artist in the Pacific Northwest, was a featured artist at the Broadway Gallery in Longview, Washington, in November 2021.
Robin Craig JD is now teaching environmental law subjects at the University of Southern California Gould School of Law.
Diane Wiscarson JD is litigating a case for the Frank family, who has sued the Hood River County (Oregon) School District for denying their 9-year-old autistic son the education to which he was entitled.
Undergrad Class Correspondent: Anne Bunn BA “Please send me your news and updates!”
Brenna Bell BA, JD ’01 writes: “After a decade of advocating for critters and trees in national forests, I realized that the future of forests—and the future of everything—depends on us engaging climate change as an urgent humanitarian and ecological crisis. So, in 2020, I cofounded the Pacific Northwest Forest Climate Alliance, and in October 2021, I migrated from public lands law to climate justice organizing, as 350PDX’s new forest climate manager. I also still live at Tryon Life Community Farm, tucked into Tryon Creek State Park, so if you’re walking through the forest, come over and say hi to me and my goats!”
Robin Bipes-Timm BA works in the winter wonderland that is Minneapolis as chief strategy officer for Habitat for Humanity. She leads a Habitat team that builds 150 homes every year. She also strives to help close the racial homeownership gap in Minnesota, where three-quarters of white families but only one-quarter of Black families are homeowners. She and her partner, Jeff, had a baby girl two years ago, little Luci. She reports they are enjoying family life.
K. Christopher Jayaram JD was appointed a district court judge for the 10th Judicial District in Johnson County, Kansas, in February 2021. Jayaram is married to Denice Biros Jayaram JD. They live in Overland Park, Kansas, with their three children.
Sam Jordan BA is an employee of the Alaska Council of School Administrators. In 2019, he created the blog Our Alaskan Schools, which he continues to write and edit. The blog features posts from teachers, administrative staff, and students and attracts readers from all over the country.
Noah Lesser BA has been living in the Brickell area of Miami. He is director of operations at Hialeah Products/New Urban Farms. He spends his weekends wakeboarding and scuba diving with his wife, Laura Capell. He spends his nights listening to dub reggae, drinking sake, and laser pointing with his 2-year-old pandemic cat, Mochi Meow.
Undergrad Class Correspondent: Jan Martin BA “Please send me your news and updates!”
Andrew Franklin BA has spent the last several years preparing to be a certified public accountant. In 2020, he started working as a tax auditor for the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration. In early 2021, he earned his certification and was promoted at work.
Thomas Guy Hallam Jr. JD, a Boise-based attorney, was installed by the Idaho Trial Lawyers Association as the 2021–22 president at their 49th annual meeting luncheon in Sun Valley. Hallam is a partner at Strindberg Scholnick Birch Hallam Harstad Thorne, a regional firm focusing on employment and labor law.
Jaime Puccioni BA was elected supervisor of the town of Niskayuna, New York, in fall 2021. Emily Seru BA is associate director for academic civic engagement at Carleton College’s Center for Community and Civic Engagement in Minnesota.
Jake Longstreth BA, a painter in the Los Angeles area, was interviewed by Metropolis magazine about his monograph exhibition at Nino Mier Gallery in West Hollywood in fall 2021. Longstreth’s recent work aims to investigate and portray the ubiquity of retail chains in suburban landscapes.
Jennifer Yruegas JD received the 2021 Sandra K. McDonough Leadership Award from the Portland Business Alliance. Yruegas is dean of the College of Business and general counsel at Pacific University. A tenured faculty member, she teaches courses in law for both undergraduate and MBA students. Yruegas has also served her community by organizing more than 15 COVID-19 vaccination clinics, providing 10,000 shots to vulnerable populations.
Undergrad Class Correspondent: Annie Elasky BA “Please send me your news and updates!”
Román Hernández JD recently received the Oregon Daily Journal of Commerce’s Building Diversity Award, which recognizes organizations and individuals in the building industry for their leadership in diversity and inclusion efforts.
Tonya Alexander JD was selected for Super Lawyers in alternative dispute resolution for 2021.
Klas Holmlund BA was appointed chief financial officer of the biopharmaceutical company Lyndra Therapeutics.
Chanpone Sinlapasai JD was appointed by Oregon Governor Kate Brown JD ’85 to the Multnomah County Circuit Court. Prior to her appointment, Sinlapasai’s practice focused on federal immigration law.
Shelbi Wescott BA, MAT ’05 is a managing editor at Merchant Maverick, a small business news and reviews site.
Undergrad Class Correspondent: Traci Sanders BA “Please send me your news and updates!”
John Hairston JD was named administrator and CEO of the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) in August 2021. He had served as acting administrator and CEO since September 2020, and has dedicated the last 29 years to service at BPA in various positions.
Courtney Winkfield BA was promoted to the role of deputy chief strategy officer for the New York City Department of Education. She lives in South Orange, New Jersey, with her husband of 18 years and two children. She also serves as an elected member of the South Orange-Maplewood Board of Education.
Michelle Nisle JD received the University of Oregon’s Becky L. Sisley Award in honor of her community involvement, career development, and support of the university’s ideals as a former student-athlete. She and husband Ryan live in Vancouver, Washington.
J. Ashlee Albies JD has been named a Super Lawyer by the 2021 Oregon Super Lawyers magazine for her civil rights work. Albies was also honored with the National Lawyers Guild’s Ernie Goodman Award and, along with Jesse Merrithew JD ’06, the Oregon Trial Lawyers Association’s Arthur H. Bryant Public Justice Award.
Jenna Plank JD was appointed by Governor Kate Brown JD ’85 to the Multnomah County Circuit Court. Prior to her appointment, Plank worked for the Multnomah County District Attorney’s Office for 16 years, most recently supervising the office’s misdemeanor unit. She volunteers to instruct mock trial classes at Lewis & Clark Law School.
Brandon Berg CAS is training and fundraising to ride the AIDS/LifeCycle, a weeklong bike ride from San Francisco to Los Angeles in June 2022. He says that skiing is a new hobby, but he also continues to enjoy volleyball. Berg recently coached a sixth-grade volleyball team at the Bush School in Seattle, where he lives with his partner, John, and their three cats, Arry, Jojen, and Rodham.
Laura Content BA is pastry chef at Coquine, a New American restaurant and neighborhood market on Portland’s Mount Tabor. She works with Perri Pond BA ’17. For the last decade, Content has taught cooking classes at Luscher Farm in Lake Oswego, Oregon. She lives in an 1889 Victorian home in Southeast Portland with husband Craig Beebe BA, their two wonderful kids, and two rambunctious cats.
Nicki Kennedy BA earned a master’s degree in education leadership from the University of South Florida in December 2021. She teaches English at North Port High School in Florida.
David Roghair JD was appointed superior court judge for the Alaska Court System in Utqiavik (Barrow), which is Roghair’s hometown. He has served there as magistrate judge since 2015.
Undergrad Class Correspondent: Craig Gilden BA “Please send me your news and updates!”
Michelle McIver JD was appointed to the newly created Position 8 on the Deschutes County (Oregon) Circuit Court by Governor Kate Brown JD ’85. After earning her JD, she performed pro bono work for Legal Aid Services of Oregon for several years before becoming a public criminal defense attorney at Crabtree & Rahmsdorff Defense Services in 2011. McIver now maintains her own law practice in which she provides public criminal defense legal services to individuals in Deschutes County. She also serves on the board of Together for Children and works with partners to bring yoga to Family Drug Court and the Deschutes County Jail.
Sasha Stortz BA is the Arizona program manager for the National Forest Foundation. In November 2021, she participated in an alumni panel discussion at Northern Arizona University, where she earned her MS degree in environmental sciences and policy.
Rosie Ayala BA ’08 was sworn in as the new park board commissioner for Metro Parks Tacoma in January 2022. She is the first Latina person to serve in the role.
Amber Case BA, a former trustee of Lewis & Clark and a Mozilla research fellow, has joined software developer Unlock as an advisor. She will be working with them to build partnerships with other companies and creators; grow their grant program; and work to improve the overall user experience.
Tyler Volm JD has joined Sussman Shank as special counsel in the firm’s business department. Volm focuses on entity formation, asset transfers, real estate, financing, tax, succession planning, labor and employment, and civil litigation.
Undergrad Class Correspondent: Megan Maier BA, JD ’19 “Please send me your news and updates!”
Rebecca Like JD is running for County of Kaua‘i (Hawai‘i) prosecuting attorney.
Meg Mills-Novoa BA joined the University of California at Berkeley’s Rausser College of Natural Resources as an assistant professor of energy and resources and environmental sciences. Mills-Novoa’s scholarship focuses on climate change adaptation. She earned her MA and PhD at the University of Arizona’s School of Geography and Development. Stephen Raher JD has joined the Prison Policy Initiative as its general counsel.
Undergrad Class Correspondent: Zach Wilson BA “Please send me your news and updates!”
Delfina Homen JD has joined Miller Nash’s intellectual property team in the firm’s Portland office.
Laser Malena-Webber BA writes: “The original cast recording of Teaching a Robot to Love, a new musical by Laser Malena-Webber, E. Aaron Wilson, and Aubrey Turner, recently hit No. 5 on the Cast Albums Billboard chart. This musical is fun and full of sci-fi and robots, but it also tells a story from the inside of my heart as a trans nonbinary person.” Malena-Webber wrote the book and lyrics for the musical.
Betto van Waarden BA has joined Lund University in Sweden as a Marie Curie Fellow. He will be continuing his research project titled “Presenting Parliament: Parliamentarians’ Visions of the Communication and Role of Parliament Within the Mediated Democracies of Britain, Belgium, and the Netherlands, 1844–1995.”
Undergrad Class Correspondent: Christina Greever BA “Please send me your news and updates!”
Adam Adkin JD was elected to partnership at Tonkon Torp, effective January 1, 2022. His practice focuses on business transitions, with an emphasis on mergers and acquisitions and corporate finance. Kali Aguilera BA became a member of the Vashon Island (Washington) School District board in October 2021.
Ann McQuesten JD has been promoted to partner at law firm Perkins Coie. McQuesten is a member of the emerging companies and venture capital law practice.
Caitlin Overland JD assumed the role of Whitefish (Montana) municipal court judge in January 2022. Lorraine Ater Rosado JD has been named a partner at Liles Parker. An experienced health lawyer, Rosado also is a certified professional coder and certified medical reimbursement specialist.
Undergrad Class Correspondents: Renda Nazzal BA Brandis Piper BA ’12, MAT ’13 “Please send us your news and updates!”
Rohit Kapuria JD was selected by the Chicago Daily Law Bulletin and Chicago Lawyer as one of their 2021 “40 Illinois Attorneys Under Forty to Watch.” Kapuria is vice chair of Saul Ewing Arnstein & Lehr’s global immigration and foreign investment practice, as well as vice chair of the firm’s opportunity zones and qualified opportunity funds practice.
Krissy Lyon BA received her PhD in neurobiology from Harvard University, where she studied the role of dopamine receptor expression in modulation of behavior by serotonergic neurons. She is now a postdoctoral research fellow at the Salk Institute in San Diego.
Zein Hassanein BA is a music therapist at Temple University Hospital. Recently, his hospital was awarded a large grant from the Hospital and Healthsystem Association of Pennsylvania to provide music therapy services to frontline hospital workers confronting the chaos of the COVID-19 pandemic. Specifically, Hassanein and the other music therapists on his team will be designing and implementing group sessions with health care workers, educating them on ways to cope with their emotions through music.
Christopher Morehead JD is now a partner with Tonkon Torp, where he works in the firm’s labor and employment practice group. Morehead was listed in Best Lawyers in America in 2022.
Matthew Preusch JD is now a partner with Keller Rohrback. He practices out of the firm’s Santa Barbara, California, office in the complex litigation group.
Laura Kerr JD has been named a partner at Stoel Rives. An experienced environmental attorney, she counsels clients on environmental compliance, enforcement, permitting, and cleanup matters arising under federal and state environmental laws.
Mia McLaughlin BA has advanced her career over the past four years with Accor Hotels. While serving as talent and culture (HR) manager at the Fairmont Heritage Place, Franz Klammer Lodge, she was selected as Manager of the Year for 2021. She was recognized for her focus on mental health, employee well-being, and leadership, especially during a time of great uncertainty due to the global pandemic. Her email address is
Undergrad Class Correspondent: Clay Alexander BA “Please send me your news and updates!”
Sam Diaz JD was named executive director of 1000 Friends of Oregon in October 2021, after an extensive national search. Previously, he served as a senior policy advisor in the mayor’s office for the City of Portland. Diaz specializes in land use and its intersections with climate change, working lands, environmental justice, and housing availability.
Isabella Fabens BA shares that while on a trip to Uganda for a fellowship with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, she ran into Cole Harris BA ’20, a fellow international affairs major studying abroad in East Africa.
Aaron Johnson JD has joined Lane Powell as counsel to the firm on its tax team. He is currently an adjunct professor at Seattle Pacific University, where he was named Adjunct Faculty of the Year in 2020 and 2021. He is also an affiliate instructor for the University of Washington. Johnson holds an LLM in taxation.
Katherine Keith BA earned a PhD in computer science from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. She joined Williams College as an assistant professor of computer science in fall 2022.
Brigitte Russo BA, a science teacher at Wai‘anae Intermediate School in Hawai‘i , was a recipient of a We the Peoples Before Education Fellowship. Russo says she hopes she can contribute to the improvement of education for young Native Hawai‘ians, encouraging and providing opportunities for connection with their heritage.
Undergrad Class Correspondent: Evelyn Guerrero BA “Please send me your news and updates!”
Mikaela Dibble-Kahn BA was admitted to Miami University’s Global Field Program. As part of her first course, she traveled to Baja California, Mexico, where where she used ecological and social field methods to study the desert and marine landscapes of the area.
Nicole Elgin JD is now a partner at Barran Liebman. She enjoys working with and providing labor and employment defense for employers throughout the Pacific Northwest. Elgin also welcomed a daughter in August 2021.
Janina Maratita JD is a policy analyst at the Northern Mariana Islands Office of the Governor.
Evan Christopher JD is joining the Judiciary Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives as committee counsel. In his new role, Christopher will develop policy and legislation concerning the federal courts, internet regulations, and intellectual property.
Stacie Damazo JD has joined the firm of Barran Liebman in their employment and litigation practices. She is an incoming director for the Oregon Women Lawyers Multnomah Chapter Queen’s Bench Board of Directors.
Carly Garay MAT is a mixed-media artist in Homer, Alaska. In fall 2021, her collection titled The Art of Ancestor Veneration was exhibited in the headquarters of the Homer Council on the Arts.
Zafar Ali BA, a Davis United World College Scholar and the Class of 2020 commencement student speaker, is currently pursuing a doctorate in public policy at Syracuse University. He plans to work in elected public service.
Dylan Hankins BA is an artist and performer in Portland. He debuted at Milagro Theatre in Dañel Malán’s Duende de Lorca, in which he portrayed a number of artistic and historical figures, including Salvador Dali. Hankins was also a member of Portland Experimental Theatre Ensemble’s Institute for Contemporary Performance.
Ellie Miller BA has been awarded a 2022 Thomas R. Pickering Foreign Affairs Fellowship. Funded by the U.S. Department of State, the fellowship attracts and prepares outstanding young people for careers in the Foreign Service.
Kellan Navarre BA has founded a plant-based chocolate mousse company called Goddess Mousse. The idea was born out of a Lewis & Clark class on entrepreneurship and has grown into a favorite of Portland-area farmers markets and grocers. To help launch the company, Navarre received a $2,000 seed grant from the Bates Center for Entrepreneurship and Leadership at Lewis & Clark.
Ochuko Akpovbovbo BA has used her time in pandemic isolation to create Parachute Media, a growing digital publication and community organization created by and for Gen Z and millennial women and non-binary people of color. Tara Cooley LLM was recently named a teaching fellow for the new Animal Law Clinic at the University of Connecticut School of Law.
Andrea Lewis BA spent a year living in Mexico. While there, she and her business partner connected with visual artists and launched Plural, an online art gallery ( With Plural, Lewis hopes to empower emerging artists of color. “Plural refers to the nature in which artists are not monoliths but wear multiple hats in society (teachers, activists, parents, etc.) and master various mediums (painting, performance, etc.). Plural truly represents who we are, as Black women who inhabit multiple spaces… . It represents all of us and invites us all to embrace the multiplicities of our character and to identify where we may align with others.”
Destini Martinez JD is the recipient of a $5,000 Vernellia R. Randall Bar Exam Grant. After taking the Oregon bar exam, she hopes to pursue public interest work serving women and minorities as she moves forward with her legal career.
Gracey Nagle JD is an associate with Tonkon Torp’s litigation department, where she focuses on business disputes.
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