Producing Global Leaders
[ RANKINGS ] Peace corps volunteers and Fulbright Scholars.
Lewis & Clark made the Top 10 list of small colleges and universities that have produced the highest all-time number of Peace Corps volunteers since the agency was established in 1961. The accolade underscores L&C’s commitment to producing graduates with a keen interest in global education and service. Lewis & Clark has sent a whopping 348 volunteers into the field.
For seven years running, Lewis & Clark has been named one of the top producers of Fulbright award winners in the country. With four grants and 19 applications in 2023–24, Lewis & Clark ranks among the Top 50 baccalaureate producers of student Fulbrights in the nation and one of only six schools in the Pacific Northwest.
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L&C Magazine
Lewis & Clark
615 S. Palatine Hill Road
Portland OR 97219