Director of Watzek Library Mark DahlThis academic year, Director of Watzek Library Mark Dahl is serving as the chair of the Board of Directors of theOrbis Cascade Alliance, an academic library consortium made up of members representing 38 higher education institutions in the Pacific Northwest.
Dahl was elected for a three-year term in 2022, which includes Board appointments as chair-elect, chair, and past chair.
Lewis & Clark has been a member of the consortium since 1996.
Employees are encouraged towear L&C school spirit gear every Friday through April to help welcome admitted students and their families.Check out these special offers and incentives for employees to hop on the school-spirit bandwagon!
Several people have joined our community recently, a few continuing employees have taken on new roles at Lewis & Clark, and a few said a fond farewell.
The Information Technology Infrastructure group will be performing WiFi maintenance on March 19, from 6 a.m to 8 a.m. WiFi connections to PioNet, PioNet-Guest, and PioNet-Resident will be disrupted during this time.
Many services will be disrupted during this time, including, but not limited to: Colleague, LCFiles, Moodle, Phones, SSO, Self Service, Webadvisor, and WiFi.