October 30, 2023
Conversations with Campus Safety
Guest Columnist: Adam D. Ross
Hi Students,
Have you noticed Campus Safety sitting in The Bon? What you may not realize is that this is not simply officers grabbing a quick bite to eat. This year, the Office of Campus Safety is fully integrating several initiatives that have been several years in the making, and Conversations with Campus Safety is one of them.
Last school year, Campus Safety Officers met at Maggie’s where they could sit down over a warm cup of coffee or tea and share fellowship with students here on campus. We are excited to bring this initiative to all the Bon Appétit dining venues. Officers are there to share a meal with members of the Lewis & Clark Community. Conversations can run the gamut from topics regarding Lewis & Clark policies to finding common hobbies and interests. Our primary goal is that each and every student feels safe here at Lewis & Clark, and ultimately feels safe calling on Campus Safety when help is needed. We recognize that every student comes to campus with their own experiences regarding uniformed professionals. We recognize that some have been positive, and some have been extremely negative. We also recognize that we live in a social climate that is weary due to centuries of systemic problems in law enforcement. So, come over and have a seat. Share a table, a meal, and dialogue with Campus Safety when you see them sitting at any of the three Bon Appétit locations on campus. We look forward to seeing you there!
All the Best,
Adam D. Ross
Campus Safety Officer
The Bark is located in East Hall on the Undergraduate Campus.
MSC: 102
email thebark@lclark.edu
voice 503-768-7110
The Bark
Lewis & Clark
615 S. Palatine Hill Road
Portland OR 97219