September 18, 2023

Q&A with Andy Fry, Assistant Professor of Mathematical Science

Assistant Professor of Mathematical Science Andy Fry’s studies combine aspects of algebraic geometry, moduli spaces, matroid theory, and general combinatorics.

Assistant Professor of Mathematical Science Andy Fry

Assistant Professor of Mathematical Science Andy Fry

When and how did you develop an interest in your field?

I’ve always been good at math, but in the spring of my first year in college, I learned what a mathematical proof is. My eyes were opened, and I fell in love with math all over again.

What excites you most about joining the L&C community?

I am very excited about being a part of the mathematical community as well as the indigenous community on campus. I am enrolled in the Confederated Tribes of the Siletz Indians, and currently, I see progress being made toward conversations involving the colonization of the indigenous peoples of this land. I hope to continue and assist with these conversations throughout my time here at Lewis & Clark.

What kind of hobbies or special activities do you enjoy outside of work?

My hobbies and activities outside of math include video games, board games, hunting, fishing, hiking, wood burning, and chasing around my dog and toddler.