Q&A with Heidi Liere, Assistant Professor of Biology
Assistant Professor of Biology Heidi Liere’s research investigates the factors that affect biodiversity in human-managed systems and how, in turn, biodiversity helps sustain vital ecosystem services in those systems. She has done research in subsistence agriculture (Guatemala), coffee (Mexico), soybeans and corn (U.S. midwest), and urban agricultural systems (California and the Pacific Northwest).
When and how did you develop an interest in your field?
I majored in biology but didn’t know what about biology most interested me. It was when I took classes in entomology, applied entomology, and insect ecology that I discovered I wanted to keep knowing more and more about these creatures.
What excites you most about joining the L&C community?
The small and warm community of faculty, staff, and students. It looks like a place where everybody shares the same passion for teaching and learning. I’m excited to meet my students and colleagues.
What kind of hobbies or special activities do you enjoy outside of work?
I love spending time outside with my family hiking, kayaking or paddle boarding, or just floating down a river in the summer. But I’m also an avid reader of fiction, especially speculative fiction, fantasy and (some) science fiction.
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