The Results Are In!
Thanks to everyone who took the time to fill out the ONE L&C Engagement Survey last month. Nearly 200 faculty and staff members submitted their thoughts–about a 23% response rate.
The steering committee is reviewing the responses to learn more about the activities you’d like to do and the best ways to communicate information about ONE L&C programming. While we’re pouring over the details, we thought you might want to see a general summary of how your colleagues responded.
The good news: most respondents have heard of the One L&C Committee and lots of L&C Employees are engaging. We’re eager to review your ideas and comments and look forward to continued conversations and engagement with all of you.
Hit us up at with any ideas or suggestions you may have!
More One L&C Employee Engagement Committee Stories
ONE L&C Employee Engagement
Lewis & Clark
615 S. Palatine Hill Road
Portland OR 97219