December 01, 2022

Google Quota Implementation

Google storage quotas are being enforced on December 1st. Google Drive, Email, and other Google services will impact your total storage capacity. Learn more about what you can do to curate your data and implement best practices to stay under the quota limit.
A cloud icon with the Google red blue, green, and yellow colors.
A cloud icon with the Google red blue, green, and yellow colors.

As a result of Google ending unlimited storage for educational institutions, Google storage quotas are being implemented to keep the total usage under the institutional capacity of 100 TB. Due to our loss of unlimited storage, we must all curate our content, clarify group collaboration and archiving processes, while doing our best to avoid data loss. As staff and faculty, we must ensure that all institutional data must remain under institutional provided services.

Students will receive a 10GB storage quota.
Staff will receive a 25GB storage quota.
Faculty will receive a 75GB storage quota.

Learn More

To learn more about what you can do to meet and stay under your quota limit, review frequently asked questions, and learn about other resources available to you as we transition to quotas, please visit the Google Storage Quotas webpage.