Community Dialogue to Discuss Meaning of Lewis and Clark Name and History
A committee of students, staff, and faculty from all three schools and common services has begun planning a campus-wide shared learning experience that will explore the meaning and significance of the name and history of Lewis and Clark.
The learning experience, which will take place later this semester, is envisioned as the first in a series of community dialogues designed to facilitate bold conversations about topics of importance to the L&C community.
Community Dialogues Planning Committee,” was established by the Executive Council to implement the recommendation of a small, informal planning group convened last fall. The committee, titled “
The committee is made up of the following members:
- Lisa Benjamin, assistant professor of law
- Janet Bixby, associate dean and associate professor of education, co-chair
- Mary Bodine-Watts BA ’09, JD ’13, adjunct law faculty
- Hollie Elliott MA ’16, associate vice president for admissions, CAS
- Neeka Dabiri, law student
- Amy Dvorak, sustainability director
- Mollie Galloway, associate professor and chair of educational leadership
- Rachel Greben, contract administrative specialist, GSEC
- Sarah Lind-MacMillan BA ’22, associated student body president
- Caroline Lobdell, adjunct law faculty
- Kayleigh McCauley, associate dean of students, executive director of the Center for Social Change and Community Involvement
- Rafe McCullough, assistant professor, GSEC
- Michelle McKelvey, Graduate Student Union Network
- Shelly Meyer, L&C Magazine Editor
- Mitch Reyes, professor and department chair, Rhetoric and Media Studies
- Jim Spencer BA ’85, Board of Trustees
- Janet Steverson, Douglas K. Newell Professor of Teaching Excellence, co-chair
For more information, contact Janet Bixby at
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