main content Alumni, what was your favorite off-campus haunt?

Hung Far Low Hung Far Low

Hung Far Low was a favorite of ours. It was open until 3 a.m., and many a night around 1 a.m., we’d sneak off to enjoy a dinner and chat at Hung’s table.

—Anne Spencer Caputo BA ’69

Grandma Rose Grandma Rose Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Rose’s Delicatessen, IHOP on Barbur Boulevard, and walking to and enjoying the Elk Rock Gardens of Bishop’s Close on Military Lane.

—Jay Johnson BA ’76, MAT ’79

Powell's Books Credit: Blake Asbury

Powell’s! I never went there without seeing at least one other person from L&C. Also, late night studying and/or pie breaks at Banning’s in Tigard.

—Christy Brown BA ’03

Tea Chai Té all the way!

—Marissa Valdez BA ’18

Snow White House food truck in downtown PDX for some bomb crepes.

—Johnny Daters BA ’02

I couldn’t get enough of Nature’s Food and Tool, a natural foods store on Corbett. They had food in bulk, which was totally new to me, and a cool community vibe. My favorite watering hole was Gubanc’s Pub in Lake Grove—which is still open!

—Chris Ohman BS ’77

Crab Bowl Restaurant Credit: City of Portland Archives A2011-018.412

The Crab Bowl on Barbur.

—Kevin Tune BS ’79

Banning’s for late-night pies/dinner. The Golden Touch for brunch—somehow not a Chinese restaurant despite the name.

—Caitlin Margo Fisher-Draeger BA ’12

I used to take two buses to Common Grounds coffeehouse on S.E. Hawthorne to tutor French to adults. The coffee wasn’t exceptional but it had “ambiance.”

—Courtney Harris BA ’14

Editor’s note: Technically not off campus, but we’ll make an exception! The Trail Room for pizza and coffee (did we sneak in beer?), with the jukebox playing the Beatles’ “Ticket to Ride” super loud. Sometimes just reading in the horse stables (I mean the library) such material as poetry by William Stafford and a few of his wild cronies, including Robert Bly, James Dickey, and Robert Creeley (all of whom Stafford invited to read at the “Read-Ins” held in Forest Hall in the late ’60s).

—Katherine Davis BA ’67