main content Largest First-Year Class in L&C History

This fall, Lewis & Clark’s undergraduate college welcomed a first-year class of 677 students, a new record. This new class also has the largest number of students of color in the college’s history, comprising 28 percent of the cohort. The College of Arts and Sciences now boasts the largest total enrollment in its history.

Eric Staab, vice president for admissions and financial aid, was featured in an Oregon Public Broadcasting (OPB) piece in August that focused on private colleges with record fall enrollments. “I think we did a really good job in the admissions office and the financial aid office of pivoting and getting adjusted to recruiting students in a COVID era,” Staab said. The incoming class is far above the previous record-setting first-year class of 654 students in 2015.

Lewis & Clark Law School also enrolled a large and high-quality class, raising the median LSAT score by four points.