And the Winner is…
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In the style of the Oscars—complete with an orange carpet—Lewis & Clark presented the 2019 ELCYS (Excellence in Lewis & Clark’s Year of Sports) awards on May 2. The awards honor the best performances of student-athletes during the 2018–19 season.
Male Rookie of the Year: Aidan Verba-Hamilton BA ’21, Football and Men’s Track and Field
Female Rookie of the Year: Delsie Johnson BA ’22, Women’s Basketball
Dan Jones Male Multi-Sport Athlete of the Year: Andrew Werst BA ’19, Football and Men’s Track and Field
Mary Hunter Female Multi-Sport Athlete of the Year: Tori Eichten BA ’19, Women’s Basketball and Women’s Golf
Dell Smith Male Scholar-Athlete of the Year: Sean Richardson BA ’20, Men’s Cross Country and Men’s Track and Field
Judy McMullen Female Scholar-Athlete of the Year: Tori Eichten BA ’19, Women’s Basketball and Women’s Golf
Joe Huston Male Athlete of the Year: Michael Abraham BA ’21, Football
Lois Smithwick Female Athlete of the Year: Kassie Kometani BA ’19, Women’s Swimming
Coach of the Year: Emily Hayes, Volleyball
Team of the Year: Women’s Golf
ChamPIOns Team of the Year: Volleyball
ChamPIOns Peer Award: Austin Conniff BA ’19, Baseball
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